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Ser. A,
1. 7.
Am Luegerbrunnen. L. hat ganz ungebildete soziale Schichten verwaltungs-
u. regierungsfähig gemacht; daß er dieses aber konnte, beweist, wie im Grunde die Regie
Verwaltungs- u. Regierungsaufgaben offenbar unschwer sind u. ferner, welch geringer
Unterschied zwischen der angeblichen Bildung der sog. besseren Stände u. der Unbildung
der niederen besteht.
„Wenn’s im Holz liegt, so giebt’s Pfeifen“
Erste Spuren des schlechten Betragens der
Frau Eissler
⇧ Sonderbare Verwegenheit schmutzigen Reichtums; die Dame
bietet von selbst materielle Hilfe an.
Sie ist damit zudringlich, vor Zeugen u. vor mir
selbst, kaum aber hat
die Summe,
wasdie ich entgegeneruire, die Höhe von 1200 Fl, also einen Betrag erweist, der,
auf die viel ‒ vielen Jahre unserer Bekanntschaft repartiert, kaum 10 Fl
pro Monat ergeben hätte,
sofort sucht sie das Weiter, als wäre gar
ich derjenige gewesen, der sie ja um Hilfe gebeten.
Ser. A,
[This page, which contains an essay on Giving
and Taking, was subsequently removed, a fair copy made, and the latter sent to the
publisher J. G. Cotta as a contribution to Cotta's double jubilee celebratory album.
The original was then filed among the Cotta correspondence: see OJ 5/6, [3].]
© Transcription Ian Bent.
Ser. A,
July 1
At the Lueger fountain. Lueger has made wholly uneducated social classes capable
of administrating and governing. But that he could do this demonstrates, when all is
said and done, how untaxing the tasks of administration and government clearly are, and
moreover how slight a difference exists between the alleged education of the so-called
better ranks and the lack of education of the lower ranks.
"If something is in the wood, then there are holes." (peasant
First signs of bad behavior on Mrs Eissler's part. ⇧ The
extraordinary audacity of the filthy rich. The lady voluntarily offers financial
She is importunate with it in
front of witnesses and in front of me myself, but no sooner do I work out the sum of my counterproposal ‒ the figure of
1,200 Florins, representing a payment that, when divided up over the many, many years of
our acquaintance would barely have amounted to 10 Florins
a month ‒ than she straightway makes herself scarce as if it were
indeed I who had actually asked her for
Ser. A,
[This page, which contains an essay on Giving
and Taking, was subsequently removed, a fair copy made, and the latter sent to the
publisher J. G. Cotta as a contribution to Cotta's double jubilee celebratory album.
The original was then filed among the Cotta correspondence: see OJ 5/6, [3].]
Ser. A,
1. 7.
Am Luegerbrunnen. L. hat ganz ungebildete soziale Schichten verwaltungs-
u. regierungsfähig gemacht; daß er dieses aber konnte, beweist, wie im Grunde die Regie
Verwaltungs- u. Regierungsaufgaben offenbar unschwer sind u. ferner, welch geringer
Unterschied zwischen der angeblichen Bildung der sog. besseren Stände u. der Unbildung
der niederen besteht.
„Wenn’s im Holz liegt, so giebt’s Pfeifen“
Erste Spuren des schlechten Betragens der
Frau Eissler
⇧ Sonderbare Verwegenheit schmutzigen Reichtums; die Dame
bietet von selbst materielle Hilfe an.
Sie ist damit zudringlich, vor Zeugen u. vor mir
selbst, kaum aber hat
die Summe,
wasdie ich entgegeneruire, die Höhe von 1200 Fl, also einen Betrag erweist, der,
auf die viel ‒ vielen Jahre unserer Bekanntschaft repartiert, kaum 10 Fl
pro Monat ergeben hätte,
sofort sucht sie das Weiter, als wäre gar
ich derjenige gewesen, der sie ja um Hilfe gebeten.
Ser. A,
[This page, which contains an essay on Giving
and Taking, was subsequently removed, a fair copy made, and the latter sent to the
publisher J. G. Cotta as a contribution to Cotta's double jubilee celebratory album.
The original was then filed among the Cotta correspondence: see OJ 5/6, [3].]
© Transcription Ian Bent.
Ser. A,
July 1
At the Lueger fountain. Lueger has made wholly uneducated social classes capable
of administrating and governing. But that he could do this demonstrates, when all is
said and done, how untaxing the tasks of administration and government clearly are, and
moreover how slight a difference exists between the alleged education of the so-called
better ranks and the lack of education of the lower ranks.
"If something is in the wood, then there are holes." (peasant
First signs of bad behavior on Mrs Eissler's part. ⇧ The
extraordinary audacity of the filthy rich. The lady voluntarily offers financial
She is importunate with it in
front of witnesses and in front of me myself, but no sooner do I work out the sum of my counterproposal ‒ the figure of
1,200 Florins, representing a payment that, when divided up over the many, many years of
our acquaintance would barely have amounted to 10 Florins
a month ‒ than she straightway makes herself scarce as if it were
indeed I who had actually asked her for
Ser. A,
[This page, which contains an essay on Giving
and Taking, was subsequently removed, a fair copy made, and the latter sent to the
publisher J. G. Cotta as a contribution to Cotta's double jubilee celebratory album.
The original was then filed among the Cotta correspondence: see OJ 5/6, [3].]
1 What lies behind this is a series of 1909 diary entries: January 21(?):
"charming proposition from Mrs. Eissler, wanting to be of financial service to me";
April 17: "Mrs Eissler written to regarding money, and from her"; April 18: "500
florins received."
2 In a calculation in the right
margin, Schenker first writes "1200 : 15 =" then below that "1200 :
1510 = 120 : 12", as if he were uncertain
as to whether their acquaintance went back fifteen years (to 1894) or ten (to 1899),
the latter producing the figure of 10 Florins.
3 We know from the entry for July 6 and from Schenker's
correspondence with Moriz Violin that he did not arrive at his summer destination,
Steinach im Tirol, until July 6, i.e. two to three weeks later than