Ser. A,
[written transversely] ⇧ 1911 ⇧ 13. Juni 1911 ‒ (Beilage) Niederlage der christlich-sozialen Partei in Wien. 1 Ja scheinbar überraschend diese Katastrophe, desto weniger überrascht sie in Wahrheit, wenn man bedenkt, daß die suggestive Kraft eines Lueger erloschen! Wie immer, stand auch in diesem Falle ‒ quod est demonstrandum! 2 ‒ eine Partei von mehreren Millionen Wählern durchaus nur auf zweien Augen! © Transcription Ian Bent, 2019 |
Ser. A,
[written transversely] ⇧ 1911 ⇧ June 13, 1911 ‒ (folder) Defeat of the Christian-Socialist party in Vienna. 1 True, this catastrophe is on the face of it surprising, but in truth it is all the less surprising if you consider that the suggestive power of a Lueger [has] evaporated! As ever, so it is also in this case ‒ quod est demonstrandum! 2 ‒ a party of several million voters centered on a single personality! © Translation Ian Bent, 2019 |
Ser. A,
[written transversely] ⇧ 1911 ⇧ 13. Juni 1911 ‒ (Beilage) Niederlage der christlich-sozialen Partei in Wien. 1 Ja scheinbar überraschend diese Katastrophe, desto weniger überrascht sie in Wahrheit, wenn man bedenkt, daß die suggestive Kraft eines Lueger erloschen! Wie immer, stand auch in diesem Falle ‒ quod est demonstrandum! 2 ‒ eine Partei von mehreren Millionen Wählern durchaus nur auf zweien Augen! © Transcription Ian Bent, 2019 |
Ser. A,
[written transversely] ⇧ 1911 ⇧ June 13, 1911 ‒ (folder) Defeat of the Christian-Socialist party in Vienna. 1 True, this catastrophe is on the face of it surprising, but in truth it is all the less surprising if you consider that the suggestive power of a Lueger [has] evaporated! As ever, so it is also in this case ‒ quod est demonstrandum! 2 ‒ a party of several million voters centered on a single personality! © Translation Ian Bent, 2019 |
Footnotes1 June 13, 1911 was election day in Austria. The Neue freie Presse for that day described deceptive "maneuvers" adopted by the Christian Socialists in one district of Vienna, and the lead article for June 14 begins: "The Christian Socialists have suffered a lightning strike. The indignation of the voters, the anger of the people and the embitterment over betrayal and self-seeking have swept them away and made today in Vienna a great, historic moment for the whole of Austria. Of the twenty christian socialist Viennese seats in the main vote [...], only two could definitely be secured." 2 Literally "which has been demonstrated." The original form was "quod erat demonstrandum", "what was to have been demonstrated." Used as a sign-off to a mathematical or philosophical proof, it indicates (often in the abbreviation "QED") that the proof being sought has now been conclusively demonstrated. |