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Ser. A, {148}

Auf die neuen Berufe der Chauffeure, Piloten folgt (im Sturmschritt) der neueste eines Parlamentariers mit fixem Jahresgehalt ( Pr. 8./8.)! 1 Was wird da von der Politik noch übrig bleiben?! Man wird einmal die Wandlung des Parlamentariers etwa so ausdrücken können. Politiker, ‒ Berufs-Politiker, ‒ Beruf!

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2019

Ser. A, {148}
[August] 8

On the heels of the new professions of chauffeur and pilot follows (in double-quick time) the latest, that of parliamentarian with fixed annual salary ( Neue freie Presse , August 8! 1 What will then remain of politics? The transformation of the member of parliament could perhaps be expressed as: politician → professional politician → profession!

© Translation Ian Bent, 2019

Ser. A, {148}

Auf die neuen Berufe der Chauffeure, Piloten folgt (im Sturmschritt) der neueste eines Parlamentariers mit fixem Jahresgehalt ( Pr. 8./8.)! 1 Was wird da von der Politik noch übrig bleiben?! Man wird einmal die Wandlung des Parlamentariers etwa so ausdrücken können. Politiker, ‒ Berufs-Politiker, ‒ Beruf!

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2019

Ser. A, {148}
[August] 8

On the heels of the new professions of chauffeur and pilot follows (in double-quick time) the latest, that of parliamentarian with fixed annual salary ( Neue freie Presse , August 8! 1 What will then remain of politics? The transformation of the member of parliament could perhaps be expressed as: politician → professional politician → profession!

© Translation Ian Bent, 2019


1 Neue freie Presse, August 9, 1911, p. 1, col. 1: "In the English lower house a motion will be introduced on Thursday that Parliament approve a yearly payment of £400 for all members who do not hold an official position." This was the first regular salary for Members of Parliament who were not also ministers, valid from August 1, 1911.