Schwankendes Wetter hielt uns in der Stadt zurück. Wir gingen in den Maria-Josepha-Park, den wir beide zum 1. mal zu sehen Gelegenheit hatten. Von dort gingen wir ins Arsenal, wo wir nicht müde wurden, die weiten Anlagen anzustaunen. Nachmittags wütete Sturm u. wir freuten uns in der Stadt geblieben zu sein. *
© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
Changeable weather kept us in the city. We went to the Maria Josepha Park, which the two of us had the opportunity of seeing for the first time. From there we went into the Arsenal, where we were too tired to marvel at the vast facilities. In the afternoon a storm raged, and we were glad that we stayed in the city. *
© Translation William Drabkin. |
Schwankendes Wetter hielt uns in der Stadt zurück. Wir gingen in den Maria-Josepha-Park, den wir beide zum 1. mal zu sehen Gelegenheit hatten. Von dort gingen wir ins Arsenal, wo wir nicht müde wurden, die weiten Anlagen anzustaunen. Nachmittags wütete Sturm u. wir freuten uns in der Stadt geblieben zu sein. *
© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
Changeable weather kept us in the city. We went to the Maria Josepha Park, which the two of us had the opportunity of seeing for the first time. From there we went into the Arsenal, where we were too tired to marvel at the vast facilities. In the afternoon a storm raged, and we were glad that we stayed in the city. *
© Translation William Drabkin. |