Zu Dr. Frühmann nicht angetroffen. — An Vrieslander u. Dahms (K.): melde den Abgang des Heft s u. Hertzkas Verrat. — An Hertzka (Br.): was ists [sic] mit den versprochenen Bemerkungen? — 200 kg Holz: 10000 Kronen. — An Straube Tonwille mit Widmung. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
To Dr. Frühmann did not find him there. — To Vrieslander and Dahms (postcard): report the dispatch of the issue and Hertzka's betrayal. — To Hertzka (letter): what is the story with the promised comments? — 200 kilograms of wood: 10,000 Kronen. — To Straube Tonwille with dedication. —© Translation Scott Witmer. |
Zu Dr. Frühmann nicht angetroffen. — An Vrieslander u. Dahms (K.): melde den Abgang des Heft s u. Hertzkas Verrat. — An Hertzka (Br.): was ists [sic] mit den versprochenen Bemerkungen? — 200 kg Holz: 10000 Kronen. — An Straube Tonwille mit Widmung. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
To Dr. Frühmann did not find him there. — To Vrieslander and Dahms (postcard): report the dispatch of the issue and Hertzka's betrayal. — To Hertzka (letter): what is the story with the promised comments? — 200 kilograms of wood: 10,000 Kronen. — To Straube Tonwille with dedication. —© Translation Scott Witmer. |