Vormittags an Brahms’ IV., 2., 3. u. 4. Satz u. an den Eroica-Variationen für Klavier (für Dr. Brünauer). 1 — Nach Tisch zu Dozent Fuchs, der an der Behandlung festhält. — Nach der Jause Spaziergang u. Einkauf. — An Herrn Kilpinen (Br.): erbitte seinen u. seiner Frau Besuch Samstag 5h. — Abends an Brahms’ IV. — Entwurf eines Briefes= OJ 5/17, [1] an Hindemith diktiert. 2 © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
In the morning, work on Brahms's Fourth, second, third and fourth movements, and on the "Eroica" Variations for piano (for Dr. Brünauer). 1 — After lunch, to Professor Fuchs, who stands by the treatment [prescribed]. — After teatime, a walk and shopping. — To Mr Kilpinen (letter): I ask him and his wife to visit on Saturday at 5 o'clock. — In the evening, work on Brahms's Fourth Symphony. — Draft of a letter= OJ 5/17, [1] to Hindemith dictated. 2 © Translation William Drabkin. |
Vormittags an Brahms’ IV., 2., 3. u. 4. Satz u. an den Eroica-Variationen für Klavier (für Dr. Brünauer). 1 — Nach Tisch zu Dozent Fuchs, der an der Behandlung festhält. — Nach der Jause Spaziergang u. Einkauf. — An Herrn Kilpinen (Br.): erbitte seinen u. seiner Frau Besuch Samstag 5h. — Abends an Brahms’ IV. — Entwurf eines Briefes= OJ 5/17, [1] an Hindemith diktiert. 2 © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
In the morning, work on Brahms's Fourth, second, third and fourth movements, and on the "Eroica" Variations for piano (for Dr. Brünauer). 1 — After lunch, to Professor Fuchs, who stands by the treatment [prescribed]. — After teatime, a walk and shopping. — To Mr Kilpinen (letter): I ask him and his wife to visit on Saturday at 5 o'clock. — In the evening, work on Brahms's Fourth Symphony. — Draft of a letter= OJ 5/17, [1] to Hindemith dictated. 2 © Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Lessonbook 1926/27, pp. 4‒5 (Brünauer): "November 4: Beethoven 'Eroica' Variations for the first time, graph of the theme"; "November 25: 'Eroica' Variations finished off"; "November 29: The fugue begun"; "December 6: Graph of the fugue"; "December 9: Fingering"; "December 13: Only bass arpeggiations of the fugue demonstrated"; "December 23: Beethoven finished off"; p. 9 (Elias): "November 11: Correction of the graph of the theme of the 'Eroica' Variations, Op. 35, taken as far as the repetition"; p. 14 (van Hoboken): "November 8: ... he writes out the Urlinie of the theme of the 'Eroica' Variations." 2 Lessonbook 1926/27, p. 9 (Elias): "November 4: the Hindemith Quartet that has been sent"; p. 14 (van Hoboken): "November 2: Hindemith Quartet." |