15. Regen
– in einer Regenpause gegen Wirl, von 10–¼12h. — Für Maler Schwarz Zigarren als Gegengeschenk. — Nachmittag an der Arbeit. — Von Frl. Elias (Br.): Grüße aus Vent. — Von Deutsch (Br.= OC 54/311): Vertragsentwurf, empfiehlt zu unterschreiben. Beteiligung[s]schlüssel 10 : 3 (?!); eine Wendung in dem Brief: „Hoboken, der an der Irre sehr glücklich ist“ {3495} macht mich stutzig! 1 —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
15, rain
– during a break in the rain, towards Wirl, from 10 to 11:15. — For the painter Schwarz, cigars as a present in return. — In the afternoon, at work. — From Miss Elias (letter): greetings from Vent. — From Deutsch (letter= OC 54/311): draft contract; he recommends that I sign it. Formula for sharing [the proceeds of sales]: 10:3 (?!); a phrase in the letter, "Hoboken, who is very happy in his dream-world," {3495} perplexes me! 1 —© Translation William Drabkin. |
15. Regen
– in einer Regenpause gegen Wirl, von 10–¼12h. — Für Maler Schwarz Zigarren als Gegengeschenk. — Nachmittag an der Arbeit. — Von Frl. Elias (Br.): Grüße aus Vent. — Von Deutsch (Br.= OC 54/311): Vertragsentwurf, empfiehlt zu unterschreiben. Beteiligung[s]schlüssel 10 : 3 (?!); eine Wendung in dem Brief: „Hoboken, der an der Irre sehr glücklich ist“ {3495} macht mich stutzig! 1 —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
15, rain
– during a break in the rain, towards Wirl, from 10 to 11:15. — For the painter Schwarz, cigars as a present in return. — In the afternoon, at work. — From Miss Elias (letter): greetings from Vent. — From Deutsch (letter= OC 54/311): draft contract; he recommends that I sign it. Formula for sharing [the proceeds of sales]: 10:3 (?!); a phrase in the letter, "Hoboken, who is very happy in his dream-world," {3495} perplexes me! 1 —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 The diary misquotes Deutsch's letter ("an der Irre" instead of "in der Irre"), a mistake that Schenker unconsciously repeats in his reply. See the diary entry for July 20. |