9. Bedeckt.
— Frau Architekt Schmidt 1 telephonirt wegen des Ausflugs zum Hoboken-Bauplatz. 2 Um ¼5h kommt der Architekt zu uns, führt uns in seinem Wagen nach Grinzing. Nach Luft, Licht u. Grün ausgehungert nehmen wir die Eindrücke besonders willig auf. Jause in der Meierei Kobenzl. Schmidt fährt uns zu Fritz in der Naglergasse, dann nachhause. © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
9, cloudy.
—The wife of the architect Schmidt [sic] 1 telephones concerning an excursion to Hoboken’s building site. 2 At 4:15, the architect comes to our place, takes us in his car to Grinzing. Starved of air, light, and greenery, we are especially grateful to take in the impressions. Afternoon snack at the Kobenzl dairy. Schmidt [sic] drives us to Fritz’s in the Naglergasse, then home. © Translation William Drabkin. |
9. Bedeckt.
— Frau Architekt Schmidt 1 telephonirt wegen des Ausflugs zum Hoboken-Bauplatz. 2 Um ¼5h kommt der Architekt zu uns, führt uns in seinem Wagen nach Grinzing. Nach Luft, Licht u. Grün ausgehungert nehmen wir die Eindrücke besonders willig auf. Jause in der Meierei Kobenzl. Schmidt fährt uns zu Fritz in der Naglergasse, dann nachhause. © Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
9, cloudy.
—The wife of the architect Schmidt [sic] 1 telephones concerning an excursion to Hoboken’s building site. 2 At 4:15, the architect comes to our place, takes us in his car to Grinzing. Starved of air, light, and greenery, we are especially grateful to take in the impressions. Afternoon snack at the Kobenzl dairy. Schmidt [sic] drives us to Fritz’s in the Naglergasse, then home. © Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Possibly Hermine Schmid (1893–1972), wife of Otto Wagner’s pupil Heinrich Schmid (1885–1949), who designed numerous buildings for the city of Vienna during the interwar period. 2 In January 1934 Hoboken had purchased a building plot in Vienna; see the diary entries for January 6, 8, 9, and 13, 1934. |