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Documents comprising this correspondence:
OC 52/3 Receipt for payment from Universal Edition to Schenker, dated December 31, 1901
Receipt signed by Schenker for payment of honorarium by Universal Edition
OC 52/7 Receipt for payment from Universal Edition to Schenker, dated October 8, 1902
Receipt for payment of honorarium by Universal Edition
OJ 52/99 Notification of payment, from the Austrian Provincial Bank to Schenker, dated September 18, 1912
Payment notification of 600 Kronen [from UE].
OJ 14/5, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from employee of the Austrian Provincial Bank to Heinrich Schenker, dated June 19, 1918
Schenker's letter has been forwarded to Moriz Schenker.
OJ 52/216 Notice of Bank Transaction from the Austrian Provincial Bank to Schenker, dated February 3, 1920
Payment notification of 7,500 Kronen [from UE].
OJ 52/217 Receipt for Bank Transaction from the Austrian Provincial Bank to Schenker, undated [February 3], 1920
Receipt for sum of 7,500 Kronen [from UE].