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German musicologist, critic and writer on music; long-serving editor of the Berlin Allgemeine Musikzeitung in the 1920s and 1930s.

Among other works, Schwers edited a series of books entitled Das Konzertbuch: ein praktisches Handbuch für den Konzertbesucher and another entitled Das Opernbuch: ein Führer durch den Spielplan der deutschen Opernbühnen.

Schwers and the Schenker circle

There is no known direct contact between Schwers and Schenker. Under Schwers's editoriship, Walter Dahms - himself a Berlin critic, and Schenker disciple - published the article "Heinrich Schenkers Persönlichkeit" in the issue of AMG of August 3, 1923, and reviews of the first and second issues of Schenker's Das Meisterwerk on December 4, 1926 and February 3, 1928 (preserved in Schenker's scrapbook at OC 2/pp. 61, 72, 75). On the basis of a recommendation from Furtwängler, Oswald Jonas submitted an article about Schenker (OJ 12/6, [10]), which was issued in vol. 60, Nos 36 and 37 (September 8 and 15, 1933) (Schenker to Salzer, FS 40/1, [17]).


  • Ian Bent

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