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WSLB-Hds 191.577 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated January 15, 1934
Schenker explains again to Deutsch his proposed syllabification of the incomplete, untexted Schubert song D.555. – He thanks Deutsch for putting him in touch with Hoboken’s architect.
OJ 5/34, [2] Handwritten revised draft letter from Schenker to Alphons Rothschild, in Jeanette Schenker's hand, undated [August 3‒6, 1934]
Draft accompanying letter for a copy of Oswald Jonas's Das Wesen ... — Schenker reiterates his gratitude for previous financial support, and reports that he now has 11 published works, many articles, and entries on him in several general encyclopedias. — Only in Vienna is he unrecognized. — He describes Wilhelm Furtwängler's faith in his theories and the support he has given him. — He mentions his earlier proposal for a Rothschild orchestra.
Diary entry by Schenker for 8 February 1931
Diary entry by Schenker for 24 August 1933