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[All in a decorated rule-frame]


[An:] Sr Wolgeboren Herrn Professor Heinrich Schenker
in Baden b/Wien
Johannesgasse 5.

[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | a [illeg] | 4. 7. 03[?] ] 6–7N ||
[postmark:] || BADEN 1 | N.Ö. | BESTELLT | 5. 7. 02 | 7—10V ||

[handwritten on printed lines]

Sr. Wolgeboren Herrn Professor Heinrich Schenker.

Hochverehrter Herr Professor!

Im Anschlusse an unsere heutige Karte 1 beehren wir uns ordnungshalber zu erwähnen, dass die von Ihnen auf Seite VII. neu hinzugefügte Anmerkung unmöglich untergebracht werden kann, da hiezu auf der Platte absolut kein Raum mehr vorhanden ist.

Mit dem Ausdrucke vorzüglichster Hochachtung
[signed:] Universal-Edition“ Actiengesellschaft
[signed:] [?Stedler]

Wien, am 4. Juli 1902.
I., Maximilianstrasse Nr. 11.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004

[All in a decorated rule-frame]


[To:] Professor Heinrich Schenker, Esq.
in Baden near Vienna
Johannesgasse 5

[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | a [illeg] | 4. 7. 03[?] ] 6–7N ||
[postmark:] || BADEN 1 | Lower Austria | DELIVERED | 5. 7. 02 | 7—10 A.M. ||

[handwritten on printed lines]

Professor Heinrich Schenker, Esq.

Highly revered Professor,

In connection with our postcard of today, 1 we have the honor of mentioning, for the sake of formality, that the annotation recently inserted by you on p.VII is impossible to do, since there is absolutely no room left on the plate for it.

With expression of highest regards
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
[signed:] [?Stedler]

Vienna, July 4, 1902.
I., Maximilianstrasse Nr. 11.

© Translation Ian Bent, 20004

[All in a decorated rule-frame]


[An:] Sr Wolgeboren Herrn Professor Heinrich Schenker
in Baden b/Wien
Johannesgasse 5.

[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | a [illeg] | 4. 7. 03[?] ] 6–7N ||
[postmark:] || BADEN 1 | N.Ö. | BESTELLT | 5. 7. 02 | 7—10V ||

[handwritten on printed lines]

Sr. Wolgeboren Herrn Professor Heinrich Schenker.

Hochverehrter Herr Professor!

Im Anschlusse an unsere heutige Karte 1 beehren wir uns ordnungshalber zu erwähnen, dass die von Ihnen auf Seite VII. neu hinzugefügte Anmerkung unmöglich untergebracht werden kann, da hiezu auf der Platte absolut kein Raum mehr vorhanden ist.

Mit dem Ausdrucke vorzüglichster Hochachtung
[signed:] Universal-Edition“ Actiengesellschaft
[signed:] [?Stedler]

Wien, am 4. Juli 1902.
I., Maximilianstrasse Nr. 11.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004

[All in a decorated rule-frame]


[To:] Professor Heinrich Schenker, Esq.
in Baden near Vienna
Johannesgasse 5

[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | a [illeg] | 4. 7. 03[?] ] 6–7N ||
[postmark:] || BADEN 1 | Lower Austria | DELIVERED | 5. 7. 02 | 7—10 A.M. ||

[handwritten on printed lines]

Professor Heinrich Schenker, Esq.

Highly revered Professor,

In connection with our postcard of today, 1 we have the honor of mentioning, for the sake of formality, that the annotation recently inserted by you on p.VII is impossible to do, since there is absolutely no room left on the plate for it.

With expression of highest regards
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
[signed:] [?Stedler]

Vienna, July 4, 1902.
I., Maximilianstrasse Nr. 11.

© Translation Ian Bent, 20004


1 OC 52/4


Rights Holder
Universal Edition, published here by kind permission
Published by kind permission of Universal Edition granted on December 6, 2010
printed postcard, handwritten recipient address recto; handwritten salutation, message, valediction, printed and holograph signatures
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2016-02-04
Last updated: 2010-02-07