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S. Gj.[urgjerovai] am 22/XII. 1923.

Liebster Onkel und Tante! 1

In aller Eile, schreibe ich diesen Brief, weshalb Ihr mir die äußere Form entschuldigen wollet!!

Ein College, J. Tolnauer, 2 fährt auf einige Tage nach Wien, weshalb ich die Gelegenheit benutze, um mich auch in Erinnerung zu bringen. —

Ursprünglich ging meine Absicht dahin, zu den Weihnachten Euch persönlich zu überraschen, aber leider ist man eine solch wichtige Persönlichkeit worden, daß man nicht abkommen kann. Außerdem sprechen gewichtige ökonomkische Gründe mit, sodaß ich meinen schönen Plan fallen lassen mußte.

[Letter incomplete]

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2024

St Gjurjerovai, December 22, 1923

Dearest Uncle and Aunt, 1

I am writing this letter in great haste, trusting that you will excuse its rough and ready state!!

A colleague, J. Tolnauer, 2 is coming to Vienna in a few days' time, for which reason I take the opportunity to send my remembrances. —

Originally, my intention was to surprise you in person at Christmas, but unfortunately one has now become such a person of significance, that one cannot get away. Moreover, weighty economic reasons conspire, such that my beautiful plan had to be dropped.

[Letter incomplete]

© Translation Ian Bent, 2024

S. Gj.[urgjerovai] am 22/XII. 1923.

Liebster Onkel und Tante! 1

In aller Eile, schreibe ich diesen Brief, weshalb Ihr mir die äußere Form entschuldigen wollet!!

Ein College, J. Tolnauer, 2 fährt auf einige Tage nach Wien, weshalb ich die Gelegenheit benutze, um mich auch in Erinnerung zu bringen. —

Ursprünglich ging meine Absicht dahin, zu den Weihnachten Euch persönlich zu überraschen, aber leider ist man eine solch wichtige Persönlichkeit worden, daß man nicht abkommen kann. Außerdem sprechen gewichtige ökonomkische Gründe mit, sodaß ich meinen schönen Plan fallen lassen mußte.

[Letter incomplete]

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2024

St Gjurjerovai, December 22, 1923

Dearest Uncle and Aunt, 1

I am writing this letter in great haste, trusting that you will excuse its rough and ready state!!

A colleague, J. Tolnauer, 2 is coming to Vienna in a few days' time, for which reason I take the opportunity to send my remembrances. —

Originally, my intention was to surprise you in person at Christmas, but unfortunately one has now become such a person of significance, that one cannot get away. Moreover, weighty economic reasons conspire, such that my beautiful plan had to be dropped.

[Letter incomplete]

© Translation Ian Bent, 2024


1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary for December 29, 1923: "Von Hans Guttmann (Br.): kundigt einen Collegen an. –" (“From Hans Guttmann (letter): announces a colleague.”). There is no record of a visit from J. Tolnauer over the Christmas or New Year, nor does there seem to be any record of a reply over the month following receipt. — Heinrich has struck through the text and used it as scrap paper on the other side of which to note down brief analytical notes on Beethoven’s Piano Sonata in Bę major (“Hammerklavier”), Op. 106, first movement, bars 35ff. This fragmentary letter is preserved in a folder of analytical materials concerning the sonata.

2 J. Tolnauer: unknown, not otherwise named in Heinrich’s diary or correspondence.


1p fragment of a letter, holograph (Hans Guttmann) salutation and message beginning, recto; informal analytical notes on Beethoven's piano sonata Op 106, first movement in Heinrich Schenker's hand, verso (not transcribed here)
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978-)

Digital version created: 2024-03-11
Last updated: 2011-09-23