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OJ 10/1, [105] - Handwritten picture postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated February 23, 1931
⇧ Herrn Dr. H. Schenker Keilgasse 8 Wien III. Autriche [postmark:] || PARIS 120 | 23 | FEVR | 1830 | BD ST GERMAIN 195 || [postmark:] ⇧ SAUVEZ LES ELITES | AIDEZ LA "CITE | UNIVERSITAIRE" ⇧ Verehrtester Meister! 1 So erhielt ich nun doch das Jahrbuch III wofür ich Ihnen herzlichst danke. Ich werde gleich mit der Lektür beginnen und Ihnen schreiben. {verso} [Picture of the Ile de la Cité from the west, with the Pont neuf, Notre Dame, and Conciergerie][caption (on recto): ⇧ "LES JOLIS COINS DE PARIS | Picturesque corners of Paris | 96. - Ile de la Cité"] © Transcription John Koslovsky, 2012 |
⇧ Dr. H. Schenker, Keilgasse 8, Vienna III, Austria [postmark:] || PARIS 120 | 23 | FEBR | 1830 | BD ST GERMAIN 195 || [postmark:] ⇧ SAVE THE ELITES | HELP THE "CITE | UNIVERSITAIRE" ⇧ Most revered Master, 1 I have received Yearbook III , for which I am extremely thankful. I will start reading it right away and will write to you. {verso} [Picture of the Ile de la Cité from the west, with the Pont neuf, Notre Dame, and Conciergerie][caption (on recto): ⇧ "LES JOLIS COINS DE PARIS | Picturesque corners of Paris | 96. - Ile de la Cité"] © Translation John Koslovsky, 2012 |
⇧ Herrn Dr. H. Schenker Keilgasse 8 Wien III. Autriche [postmark:] || PARIS 120 | 23 | FEVR | 1830 | BD ST GERMAIN 195 || [postmark:] ⇧ SAUVEZ LES ELITES | AIDEZ LA "CITE | UNIVERSITAIRE" ⇧ Verehrtester Meister! 1 So erhielt ich nun doch das Jahrbuch III wofür ich Ihnen herzlichst danke. Ich werde gleich mit der Lektür beginnen und Ihnen schreiben. {verso} [Picture of the Ile de la Cité from the west, with the Pont neuf, Notre Dame, and Conciergerie][caption (on recto): ⇧ "LES JOLIS COINS DE PARIS | Picturesque corners of Paris | 96. - Ile de la Cité"] © Transcription John Koslovsky, 2012 |
⇧ Dr. H. Schenker, Keilgasse 8, Vienna III, Austria [postmark:] || PARIS 120 | 23 | FEBR | 1830 | BD ST GERMAIN 195 || [postmark:] ⇧ SAVE THE ELITES | HELP THE "CITE | UNIVERSITAIRE" ⇧ Most revered Master, 1 I have received Yearbook III , for which I am extremely thankful. I will start reading it right away and will write to you. {verso} [Picture of the Ile de la Cité from the west, with the Pont neuf, Notre Dame, and Conciergerie][caption (on recto): ⇧ "LES JOLIS COINS DE PARIS | Picturesque corners of Paris | 96. - Ile de la Cité"] © Translation John Koslovsky, 2012 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/4, p. 3584, February 25, 1928: "Von Dahms (Ansichstk.): bestätigt den Empfang des Buches, werde mir schreiben." ("From Dahms (picture postcard): he confirms receipt of the book, will write to me."). |
Digital version created: 2012-04-10 |