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[Dated in the hand of Oswald Jonas, top right corner: "1910?"]

Geehrter HerrDr , 1

es entspricht meinem langgehegten Wunsche sowie dem des Herrn Bahr, 2 wenn ich Sie bitte, mir mittheilen zu wollen, wann und wo ich Sie sprechen könnte.

Mit dem Ausdrucke größter
[signed:] Max Graf.

VIII Lammgasse 3. 3

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2006

[Dated in the hand of Oswald Jonas, top right corner: "1910?"]

Dear Dr. [Schenker] , 1

It is in accordance with a long-cherished wish of mine, as also of Herr Bahr, 2 that I request you to inform me when and where I might be able to speak to you.

With the expression of my
highest regard,
[signed:] Max Graf.

[Vienna] VIII, Lammgasse 3. 3

© Translation Geoffrey Chew, 2006

[Dated in the hand of Oswald Jonas, top right corner: "1910?"]

Geehrter HerrDr , 1

es entspricht meinem langgehegten Wunsche sowie dem des Herrn Bahr, 2 wenn ich Sie bitte, mir mittheilen zu wollen, wann und wo ich Sie sprechen könnte.

Mit dem Ausdrucke größter
[signed:] Max Graf.

VIII Lammgasse 3. 3

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2006

[Dated in the hand of Oswald Jonas, top right corner: "1910?"]

Dear Dr. [Schenker] , 1

It is in accordance with a long-cherished wish of mine, as also of Herr Bahr, 2 that I request you to inform me when and where I might be able to speak to you.

With the expression of my
highest regard,
[signed:] Max Graf.

[Vienna] VIII, Lammgasse 3. 3

© Translation Geoffrey Chew, 2006


1 Writing of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary.

2 The formality of the letter leads one to conjecture that Graf approached Schenker for the first time, and that this was on Bahr's initiative.

3 In the Allgemeines Adress-Buch nebst Geschäfts-Handbuch für die k.k. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Wien und dessen Umgebung 33–52 (1891–1910), Max Graf is listed at the address Lammgasse 3 in only 1896 and 1897. Graf graduated in 1896. Possibly he wrote the letter before his graduation, since at his first communication with Schenker he would probably not have suppressed his academic title.


1p letter, holograph message and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Max Graf
Permission to publish is under inquiry. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2012-02-26
Last updated: 2012-02-26