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OJ 11/54, [9] - Handwritten postcard from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated December 2, 1926
[note in
⇧ Durch Eilboten
[written in crayon in an unknown hand:] ⇧ 128 [An: ] ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8II [postmark:] ||TA.3 WIEN 128 | 2. XII. 26 [illeg] | * R /a* || [other two postmarks illegible] {verso} [printed letterhead:] ⇧ A. VAN HOBOKEN WIEN IV., WIEDNER HAUPTSTRASSE 63 TEL. 58-403 ⇧ 2. XII. 26. Sehr verehrter Herr Professor, Zu 1 meinem lebhaften Bedauern kann ich morgen nicht zur Stunde kommen. 2 Es sind hier die Kisten aus Japan angekommen und findet der [sic] Zollbeschau bei mir zu Hause statt. 3 Da nun die Herren heute nicht fertig geworden sind, kommen sie morgen um 3 Uhr wieder und werde ich dann wohl kaum noch Zeit finden, zu Ihnen zu kommen. Mit besten Grüssen Ihr sehr ergebener [signed:] AvHoboken. © Transcription John Rothgeb, 2008 |
[note in
⇧ By Express Mail
[written in crayon in an unknown hand:] ⇧ 128 [To: ] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8II [postmark:] ||TA.3 VIENNA 128 | 2. XII. 26 [illeg] | * R /a* || [other two postmarks illegible] {verso} [printed letterhead:] ⇧ A. VAN HOBOKEN VIENNA IV, WIEDNER HAUPTSTRASSE 63 TEL. 58-403 ⇧ December 2, 1926 Highly revered Professor, To 1 my deep regret I cannot come to the lesson tomorrow. 2 The crates from Japan have arrived and the customs inspection is under way here at my house. 3 Since the gentlemen did not finish today, they are coming again tomorrow at 3:00, and I will then surely not have time to come to you. With best greetings, Yours very truly, [signed:] A. v. Hoboken © Translation John Rothgeb, 2008 |
[note in
⇧ Durch Eilboten
[written in crayon in an unknown hand:] ⇧ 128 [An: ] ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8II [postmark:] ||TA.3 WIEN 128 | 2. XII. 26 [illeg] | * R /a* || [other two postmarks illegible] {verso} [printed letterhead:] ⇧ A. VAN HOBOKEN WIEN IV., WIEDNER HAUPTSTRASSE 63 TEL. 58-403 ⇧ 2. XII. 26. Sehr verehrter Herr Professor, Zu 1 meinem lebhaften Bedauern kann ich morgen nicht zur Stunde kommen. 2 Es sind hier die Kisten aus Japan angekommen und findet der [sic] Zollbeschau bei mir zu Hause statt. 3 Da nun die Herren heute nicht fertig geworden sind, kommen sie morgen um 3 Uhr wieder und werde ich dann wohl kaum noch Zeit finden, zu Ihnen zu kommen. Mit besten Grüssen Ihr sehr ergebener [signed:] AvHoboken. © Transcription John Rothgeb, 2008 |
[note in
⇧ By Express Mail
[written in crayon in an unknown hand:] ⇧ 128 [To: ] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8II [postmark:] ||TA.3 VIENNA 128 | 2. XII. 26 [illeg] | * R /a* || [other two postmarks illegible] {verso} [printed letterhead:] ⇧ A. VAN HOBOKEN VIENNA IV, WIEDNER HAUPTSTRASSE 63 TEL. 58-403 ⇧ December 2, 1926 Highly revered Professor, To 1 my deep regret I cannot come to the lesson tomorrow. 2 The crates from Japan have arrived and the customs inspection is under way here at my house. 3 Since the gentlemen did not finish today, they are coming again tomorrow at 3:00, and I will then surely not have time to come to you. With best greetings, Yours very truly, [signed:] A. v. Hoboken © Translation John Rothgeb, 2008 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary. "R/a" in the postmark indicates that this item was sent by pneumatic post ("Rohrpost"). 2 Accordingly, Schenker's lessonbook 1926/27 has no entry for December 3; the surrounding lessons were November 30 and December 7. Hoboken's lessons seem to have begun at 4 p.m. at this period. 3 Van Hoboken wants to point out the accommodation by the customs officials; customs inspections are normally conducted only at the customs office. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2008-01-23 |