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Lieber Herr Dr., 1

Ich bedaure sehr, daß Sie nicht dabei waren: ich hätte Sie gerne dort gehabt, denn ich bin sicher, Sie hätten einen anderen Eindruck gewonnen. Vielleicht können Sie auch zu Rosé (5 . Februar) kommen, wenn mein Streichquartett gemacht wird! 2 Vielleicht kann ich Ihnen eine gedruckte Partitur davon geben. – die Kammersymphonie ist am 8. 3

Herzl. Gruß
[signed:] Schönberg

© Transcription Arnold Whittall, 2011

Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

I am very sorry that you did not attend: I would have liked you to be there, for I am sure you would have received a different impression. However, perhaps you can still come to Rosé's (February 5 ) when my string quartet will be performed!!! 2 Perhaps I can give you a printed score. – the Chamber Symphony is on the 8th. 3

Cordial greetings,
[signed:] Schönberg

© Translation Arnold Whittall, 2011

Lieber Herr Dr., 1

Ich bedaure sehr, daß Sie nicht dabei waren: ich hätte Sie gerne dort gehabt, denn ich bin sicher, Sie hätten einen anderen Eindruck gewonnen. Vielleicht können Sie auch zu Rosé (5 . Februar) kommen, wenn mein Streichquartett gemacht wird! 2 Vielleicht kann ich Ihnen eine gedruckte Partitur davon geben. – die Kammersymphonie ist am 8. 3

Herzl. Gruß
[signed:] Schönberg

© Transcription Arnold Whittall, 2011

Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

I am very sorry that you did not attend: I would have liked you to be there, for I am sure you would have received a different impression. However, perhaps you can still come to Rosé's (February 5 ) when my string quartet will be performed!!! 2 Perhaps I can give you a printed score. – the Chamber Symphony is on the 8th. 3

Cordial greetings,
[signed:] Schönberg

© Translation Arnold Whittall, 2011


1 Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary. The document number adopted here is that assigned in Charlotte E. Erwin and Bryan R. Simms, "Schoenberg's Correspondence with Heinrich Schenker," Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute v (1981), 23–43. The document from which this edition was made is a photocopy; the whereabouts of the original is not known. An annotation at the foot of the photocopy in another hand (that of Oswald Jonas?) reads "[dated early 1907 by Dr. H. Federhofer; v. reference to Rosé Qu performance]", and it is on the basis of this and external information that the editorial dating is made.

2 Schenker was present at the performance of Schoenberg's String Quartet No. 1 in D minor. He records the occasion in his diary at OJ 1/6, p. 33, February 5, 1907 (heavily edited in Schenker's own hand): "Quartett dm v. Schönberg bei Rosé: Ein einziger langgezogener Frevel! Wenn es Verbrecher auch in der Welt der Kunst gäbe, man müßte zu ihnen auch den Autor rechnen, als einen geborenen oder vielleicht erst gewordenen. Ohne Gefühl für Tonart, Motiv, Maß, nur so einfach lumpig vor sich hin, ohne jegliche Technik, u. dennoch zugleich eine größte, nicht dagewesene immerzu simulierend." ("D-minor Quartet of Schoenberg with Rosé: a single long-drawn-out atrocity! If there were criminals in the world of art, one would have to count the composer among them, either a born one or perhaps someone who became one. Without feeling for tonality, motive, measure, merely so downright wretchedly [presented], without a vestige of technique, and nevertheless at the same time constantly simulating the greatest not present [technique].").

3 Schenker was present at the performance of Schoenberg's First Chamber Symphony on February 8, 1907. He records the performance in his diary at OJ 1/6, p. 34, February 8, 1907: "Schönberg. Ein ziemliches fiasco des Autor u. der Freunde!" ("Schoenberg. A considerable fiasco on the part of the composer and his friends!).


1p letter, holograph message and signature, photocopy, with annotation at bottom in another hand
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Heirs of Arnold Schoenberg, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the author's son, Mr. Lawrence Schoenberg, January 2, 2011. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2011-09-15
Last updated: 2011-09-15