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An: Herrn Dr Heinrich Schenker
in III Reisnerstrasse 38.
Payerbach N. Öst
bei Peter Kobetz 1

[postmark:] || 30. 6. 03 | ISCHL | 12–1 N ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 3/3 | 49 | BESTELLT | 117708 | 8–10 V ||
[postmark:] || [illeg] | PAYERBACH 1 | 2–7 N ||



L. F.

Aus B . . . . . . . . . r 2 ist nichts Rechtes herauszukriegen. Er empfiehlt den normalen Weg, Einreichen eines Gesuchs ans Directorium etc. Dazu wäre auch im Herbst noch Zeit, wenn sonst nichts Besseres zu haben ist. Wie wär[e] es wenn Sie den großen R. 3 an der Gründung des geweihten Lyc[eum] betheiligen möchten? Durch eine Geldspende natürlich! Einstweilen

mit bestem Gruß
[signed:] Seligm

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2022


To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in Reisnerstrasse 38
Vienna III
Payerbach, Lower Austria
c/o Peter Kobetz 1

[postmark:] || 30. 6. 03 | ISCHL | 12–1 p.m. ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 3/3 | 49 | DELIVERED | 117708 | 8–10 a.m. ||
[postmark:] || [illeg] | PAYERBACH 1 | 2–7 p.m. ||



Dear friend,

From B . . . . . . . . .r 2 nothing good can be gained. He recommends the normal path. Submission of an application to the Board of Directors. For that, the autumn would still be time enough, if nothing better is otherwise to be had. How would it be if you wished to involve the great R. 3 in the founding of the consecrated Lyceum? With a donation, of course? For now,

with best greetings,
[signed:] Seligmann

© Translation William Drabkin, 2022


An: Herrn Dr Heinrich Schenker
in III Reisnerstrasse 38.
Payerbach N. Öst
bei Peter Kobetz 1

[postmark:] || 30. 6. 03 | ISCHL | 12–1 N ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 3/3 | 49 | BESTELLT | 117708 | 8–10 V ||
[postmark:] || [illeg] | PAYERBACH 1 | 2–7 N ||



L. F.

Aus B . . . . . . . . . r 2 ist nichts Rechtes herauszukriegen. Er empfiehlt den normalen Weg, Einreichen eines Gesuchs ans Directorium etc. Dazu wäre auch im Herbst noch Zeit, wenn sonst nichts Besseres zu haben ist. Wie wär[e] es wenn Sie den großen R. 3 an der Gründung des geweihten Lyc[eum] betheiligen möchten? Durch eine Geldspende natürlich! Einstweilen

mit bestem Gruß
[signed:] Seligm

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2022


To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker
in Reisnerstrasse 38
Vienna III
Payerbach, Lower Austria
c/o Peter Kobetz 1

[postmark:] || 30. 6. 03 | ISCHL | 12–1 p.m. ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 3/3 | 49 | DELIVERED | 117708 | 8–10 a.m. ||
[postmark:] || [illeg] | PAYERBACH 1 | 2–7 p.m. ||



Dear friend,

From B . . . . . . . . .r 2 nothing good can be gained. He recommends the normal path. Submission of an application to the Board of Directors. For that, the autumn would still be time enough, if nothing better is otherwise to be had. How would it be if you wished to involve the great R. 3 in the founding of the consecrated Lyceum? With a donation, of course? For now,

with best greetings,
[signed:] Seligmann

© Translation William Drabkin, 2022


1 This postcard has been delivered to Reisnerstraße and then re-addressed, probably by the concierge or maid, to Payerbach.

2 Probably Schenker’s early patron Ludwig Bösendorfer, to judge from nine dots Seligmann placed between the letters B and r; both he and his “normal path” are mentioned in Seligmann’s follow-up letter, OJ 14/23, [7], late summer or early autumn 1903.

3 Baron Alphons von Rothschild, mentioned in OJ 14/23, [7] in connection with the founding of a Lyceum in Vienna.


Printed postcard: holograph recipient address (partly deleted), forwarding recipient address in unknown hand, postmarks, postage stamp, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1934-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1956)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1956-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Adalbert Seligmann, deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the publc domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2022-11-18
Last updated: 2012-09-28