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OJ 15/15, [G] - Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 16, [1912]
Sende Ihnen diesen Ausschnitt aus dem blöden Wiener-Journal nur um Sie zu fragen ob Sie in Ihrer Einleitung für IX. nicht diesen Grünschnabel anfahren wollten 2 ‒ der gewisslich die Frechheit besässe, Ihre rechtschaffene und wahre Kritik, mit dem Begriffsgespenst, das ihm in einem fort durchs Hirn schleicht, mit der „Mode“ in Zusammenhang zu bringen! © Transcription Ian Bent, 2019 |
I am sending you this clipping from the half-witted Wiener-Journal solely in order to ask you whether in the introduction to your Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie you wanted to challenge this greenhorn, 2 who certainly would have the impudence to see a connection between your honest and true critique and the chimera that steals continuously through his brain ‒ "fashion!" © Translation Ian Bent, 2019 |
Sende Ihnen diesen Ausschnitt aus dem blöden Wiener-Journal nur um Sie zu fragen ob Sie in Ihrer Einleitung für IX. nicht diesen Grünschnabel anfahren wollten 2 ‒ der gewisslich die Frechheit besässe, Ihre rechtschaffene und wahre Kritik, mit dem Begriffsgespenst, das ihm in einem fort durchs Hirn schleicht, mit der „Mode“ in Zusammenhang zu bringen! © Transcription Ian Bent, 2019 |
I am sending you this clipping from the half-witted Wiener-Journal solely in order to ask you whether in the introduction to your Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie you wanted to challenge this greenhorn, 2 who certainly would have the impudence to see a connection between your honest and true critique and the chimera that steals continuously through his brain ‒ "fashion!" © Translation Ian Bent, 2019 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary. The year is not included in Weisse's date, but the reference to Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie makes 1912 likely. 2 The clipping in question does not appear to have been preserved among Schenker's papers in the Oster Collection. The likely article is "Neuigkeiten: Hermann Bahr über die „Mode“ gegen Richard Wagner," Neues Wiener Journal, No. 6608, March 16, 1912, p. 2, cols 2‒3. Bahr's article had originated in the newly issued vol. 5 of the Konzerttaschenbuch, published by the impresario Emil Gutmann. Schenker's Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie was released by Universal Edition on July 2, 1912, after proof-reading had extended over November 1911 to June 1912. |
Digital version created: 2019-10-05 |