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OJ 5/19, 3 - Handwritten letter from Schenker to Kalbeck, dated May 10, 1897
Ich darf mir wohl nicht schmeicheln, anzunehmen, dass Sie meine schriftstellerischen Versuche in Harden’s „Zukunft“, in der Wiener „Neuen Revue“ oder in der „Zeit“ beachtet haben? Es läge mir aber mehr daran, wenn Sie mir die Ehre erweisen wollten, Compositionen von mir anzuhören, über die sowohl Brahms, als Goldmark, 2 d'Albert 3 u. Busoni 4 sehr, vielleicht allzusehr anerkennend sich aussprachen? Ich bitte Sie, durch den Gedanken sich {2} gar nicht zu beunruhigen, als bäte ich implicite um Ihre markante schriftstellerische Hilfe. Mir ist nur darum zu thun, im Kreis der Allerbesten mich hier als Komponisten einzuführen, noch ehe d'Albert von mir Einiges spielt. Darf ich hoffen? © Transcription William Pastille, 2022 |
I may not flatter myself to assume that you have taken notice of my literary attempts in Harden’s Die Zukunft , in the Vienna Neue Revue or in Die Zeit ? But it would please me more if you would do me the honor of listening to some of my compositions about which Brahms, Goldmark, 2 d’Albert 3 and Busoni 4 all spoke very appreciatively, perhaps too appreciatively? I ask you not to be at all bothered by the thought {2} that I may be asking indirectly for your influential literary assistance. I am only concerned with making myself known here in the very best circles as a composer, even before d'Albert plays a few of my things. May I hope? © Translation William Pastille, 2022 |
Footnotes1 The first two sentences of this letter are not phrased as questions, yet each ends with a question mark. — This letter is quoted in full in translation in Ian Bent, David Bretherton and William Drabkin, eds., Heinrich Schenker: Selected Correspondence (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2014), p. 8, and in German in Hellmut Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker nach Tagebüchern und Briefen … (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1985), pp. 15–16. 2 There is no direct surviving evidence of this, but Schenker’s correspondence with Busoni has several references to favorable remarks by Goldmark, e.g. OJ 9/27, [1], May 17, 1897, in which Busoni states that Goldmark had told him about Schenker, and Sbb B II 4413, May 18, 1897, in which Schenker reported that Goldmark had provided a glowing recommendation to Edition Peters. 3 E.g. OJ 9/6, [12], April 5, 1896, OJ 9/6, [14], January 2, 1897, OJ 9/6, [18], May 8, 1897. 4 E.g. OJ 9/27, [2], c. May 20, 1987, and later letters. |
Digital version created: 2022-07-05 |