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[picture: valley with village, captioned: “Galtür”]


[An:]H Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard b/ Horn
Nd: Öst.

[postmark:] || WINTERSPORT SOMMERFRISCHE [illeg] 1600m | GALTÜR | 21.VIII.29 | 12–13 | * * * ||
|| Alpenhaus Fluchthorn ! * GALTÜR * ||

Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1

Dank, Dank für deinen l. Bf mit Fläschchen! Dr. Köck meinte zuletzt, würde ich nur 2 Tage streng ausruhen, so würde er ohne Weiteres noch auf das „Fluchthorn“ heuer (3.600m hoch) hinaufzuschicken wagen! 2 Über All das wollen wir uns mündlich unterhalten. – Noch haben wir Besuch bei uns, versteht sich, schon einen anderen, dann wollen wir zurück. Zu Euch kommen wir wie vor 2 Jahren, d. h. zuerst müssen wir, was ja unsere größte Sorgen ist, unser (über 100 Kg) schweres Gepäck in die Wohnung heimführen, dann steigen wir wieder ein, es geht nicht anders. Hoffentlich gelingt die Heimreise, ich habe Angst vor den sich wieder einmal [?bettwiegenden] Marxlern u. Heimwehrleuten. .

Auf Wiedersehen!

Viele Küsse u. Grüße Euch beiden
[in left margin, sideways:] dein
[signed:] Heinrich u. LieLie

21. 8.

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024

[picture: valley with village, captioned: “Galtür”]


[To:]Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard near Horn
Lower Austria

[postmark:] || WINTER SPORT SUMMER VACATION [illeg] 1600m | GALTÜR | 21.VIII.29 | 12–13 | * * * ||
|| Alpenhaus Fluchthorn ! * GALTÜR * ||

My dear Wilhelm, 1

Thanks for your first letter with the little bottle! Dr. Köck thought lately if I strictly rest for just two days, he would readily hazard sending [me] up the Fluchthorn this year (3,600m. high)! 2 All of this we should discuss in person. — We still have visitors with us, understood, already another, then we want to return. To come to your place as two years ago. That is, first we have to take our heavy luggage (over 100 Kg) to the apartment [in Vienna], which is our biggest worry, then we reboard a train. There is no other way. Hopefully, the trip home will be successful. I am afraid of the [?bed-shaking] Marxists and the paramilitary people …

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Abundant kisses and greetings to you both
[in left margin, sideways:] your
[signed:] Heinrich and LieLie

21. 8.

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024

[picture: valley with village, captioned: “Galtür”]


[An:]H Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard b/ Horn
Nd: Öst.

[postmark:] || WINTERSPORT SOMMERFRISCHE [illeg] 1600m | GALTÜR | 21.VIII.29 | 12–13 | * * * ||
|| Alpenhaus Fluchthorn ! * GALTÜR * ||

Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1

Dank, Dank für deinen l. Bf mit Fläschchen! Dr. Köck meinte zuletzt, würde ich nur 2 Tage streng ausruhen, so würde er ohne Weiteres noch auf das „Fluchthorn“ heuer (3.600m hoch) hinaufzuschicken wagen! 2 Über All das wollen wir uns mündlich unterhalten. – Noch haben wir Besuch bei uns, versteht sich, schon einen anderen, dann wollen wir zurück. Zu Euch kommen wir wie vor 2 Jahren, d. h. zuerst müssen wir, was ja unsere größte Sorgen ist, unser (über 100 Kg) schweres Gepäck in die Wohnung heimführen, dann steigen wir wieder ein, es geht nicht anders. Hoffentlich gelingt die Heimreise, ich habe Angst vor den sich wieder einmal [?bettwiegenden] Marxlern u. Heimwehrleuten. .

Auf Wiedersehen!

Viele Küsse u. Grüße Euch beiden
[in left margin, sideways:] dein
[signed:] Heinrich u. LieLie

21. 8.

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024

[picture: valley with village, captioned: “Galtür”]


[To:]Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard near Horn
Lower Austria

[postmark:] || WINTER SPORT SUMMER VACATION [illeg] 1600m | GALTÜR | 21.VIII.29 | 12–13 | * * * ||
|| Alpenhaus Fluchthorn ! * GALTÜR * ||

My dear Wilhelm, 1

Thanks for your first letter with the little bottle! Dr. Köck thought lately if I strictly rest for just two days, he would readily hazard sending [me] up the Fluchthorn this year (3,600m. high)! 2 All of this we should discuss in person. — We still have visitors with us, understood, already another, then we want to return. To come to your place as two years ago. That is, first we have to take our heavy luggage (over 100 Kg) to the apartment [in Vienna], which is our biggest worry, then we reboard a train. There is no other way. Hopefully, the trip home will be successful. I am afraid of the [?bed-shaking] Marxists and the paramilitary people …

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Abundant kisses and greetings to you both
[in left margin, sideways:] your
[signed:] Heinrich and LieLie

21. 8.

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for August 21, 1929: “An Wilhelm (Ansichtsk.): Dank für Brief u. Sendung; wir hoffen auf ein Wiedersehn” (“To Wilhelm (picture postcard): thanks for letter and package; we hope to see him again”).

2 The summit of the Fluchthorn lies 3,400 – not 3,600 – meters above sea level, in the Silvretta Alps along the Austrian/Swiss border.


printed picture postcard: holograph sender and recipient addresses, salutation, message, valediction, and signatures, postage stamp, postmark, and stamp, recto; picture, verso
Wilhelm Schenker (document date-1938?)—Jeanette Schenker (1938?-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2024-10-02
Last updated: 2010-03-11