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OJ 9/18, [3] - Typewritten letter from Wilhelm Bopp (Akademie für Musik) to Schenker, dated March 24, 1911
[printed letterhead:]
⇧ DER DIREKTOR DER K. K. AKADEMIE FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST ⇧ Wien, am 24. März 1911. Sehr geehrter Herr DOKTOR ! 1 Jch bitte höflichst um Jhren freundlichen Besuch. Jch bin jeden Mittag von ½1‒2 Uhr in meinem Bureau (III. Lothringerstrasse 14), stehe Jhnen aber auch Nachmittags (und zwar Montag, Dienstag und Mittwoch) von 5 bis 7 Uhr ebendaselbst zur Verfügung. 2 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2016 |
[printed letterhead:]
⇧ THE DIRECTOR OF THE IMP.-ROYAL ACADEMY FOR MUSIC AND PERFORMING ART ⇧ Vienna, March 24, 1911 Dear Dr. [ SCHENKER ]! 1 I should like to ask you very kindly to pay me a visit. I am in my office ([Vienna] III, Lothringerstraße 14) every mid-day from 12.30 to 2.00, and am at your disposal also in the afternoons (namely Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) from 5 to 7 o'clock at the same place. 2 © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
[printed letterhead:]
⇧ DER DIREKTOR DER K. K. AKADEMIE FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST ⇧ Wien, am 24. März 1911. Sehr geehrter Herr DOKTOR ! 1 Jch bitte höflichst um Jhren freundlichen Besuch. Jch bin jeden Mittag von ½1‒2 Uhr in meinem Bureau (III. Lothringerstrasse 14), stehe Jhnen aber auch Nachmittags (und zwar Montag, Dienstag und Mittwoch) von 5 bis 7 Uhr ebendaselbst zur Verfügung. 2 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2016 |
[printed letterhead:]
⇧ THE DIRECTOR OF THE IMP.-ROYAL ACADEMY FOR MUSIC AND PERFORMING ART ⇧ Vienna, March 24, 1911 Dear Dr. [ SCHENKER ]! 1 I should like to ask you very kindly to pay me a visit. I am in my office ([Vienna] III, Lothringerstraße 14) every mid-day from 12.30 to 2.00, and am at your disposal also in the afternoons (namely Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) from 5 to 7 o'clock at the same place. 2 © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary. Note the use of "J" in place of capital "I", even though the latter was available on the keyboard for use as a Roman numeral. 2 Evidence that Schenker called on Bopp comes from his diary at OJ 1/10, pp. 131r‒131a, dated merely "June 1911": "Letter to me from Bopp in April to present myself at his office. There I am informed by him that the Bach and Beethoven edition planned jointly by me, Universal Edition and the Academy is the best way to its realization; finally: "The President [Karl von Wiener] would like to speak with me." The entry goes on at length to recount the conflict that then arose between Schenker, Bopp, and Wiener. |
Digital version created: 2016-11-01 |