Deutsche Reichspost

An Herrn Dr Schenker
in Wien. III.
Richardgasse II

[postmark:] || FRANKFURT | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | BESTELLT | 14. 11. [illeg] | 10–11V ||


Lieber Herr Doctor! 1

Ich danke Ihnen bestens für die freundl. Uebersendung der Syrischen Tänze, welche ich sehr schätze. Anbei sende ich Ihnen den Clav-Auszug von „Kain“. Ich hoffe Sie bestimmt zwischen 17 u. 21 in Wien zu sehen. Wohne Bristol.

Hzl Gruß
Ihres eiligen
[signed:] E. d‘Albert.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2021

German Imperial Post

To Dr. Schenker
in Vienna III
Richardgasse II

[postmark:] || FRANKFURT | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | DELIVERED | 14. 11. [illeg] | 10–11V ||


Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

I thank you most warmly for kindly sending your Syrian Dances , which I think very highly of. By the same post, I am sending you the piano reduction of Kain. I emphatically hope to see you in Vienna between the 17th and 21st. I will be living at the Hotel Bristol.

Cordial greetings,
from yours in haste,
[signed:] E. d‘Albert

© Translation Ian Bent, 2021

Deutsche Reichspost

An Herrn Dr Schenker
in Wien. III.
Richardgasse II

[postmark:] || FRANKFURT | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | BESTELLT | 14. 11. [illeg] | 10–11V ||


Lieber Herr Doctor! 1

Ich danke Ihnen bestens für die freundl. Uebersendung der Syrischen Tänze, welche ich sehr schätze. Anbei sende ich Ihnen den Clav-Auszug von „Kain“. Ich hoffe Sie bestimmt zwischen 17 u. 21 in Wien zu sehen. Wohne Bristol.

Hzl Gruß
Ihres eiligen
[signed:] E. d‘Albert.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2021

German Imperial Post

To Dr. Schenker
in Vienna III
Richardgasse II

[postmark:] || FRANKFURT | [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | DELIVERED | 14. 11. [illeg] | 10–11V ||


Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

I thank you most warmly for kindly sending your Syrian Dances , which I think very highly of. By the same post, I am sending you the piano reduction of Kain. I emphatically hope to see you in Vienna between the 17th and 21st. I will be living at the Hotel Bristol.

Cordial greetings,
from yours in haste,
[signed:] E. d‘Albert

© Translation Ian Bent, 2021


1 Schenker’s Syrische Tänze were published in October 1899, and first performed in Vienna by Schenker and Moriz Violin on January 26, 1900. D’Albert’s opera Kain was first performed on January 8, 1900 in Berlin (according to Charlotte Pangels, Eugen d’Albert: Wunderpianist und Komponist, Zürich: Atlantis, 1981, p. 196); when the piano reduction was issued is unclear. The editorial year-dating of this postcard is based on this information.