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Wien, am 12. Dezember 1928

An das Archiv für Photogramme,
Wien 1

Ich bestätige die Übernahme der Beethoven Photogramme von

op. 101, op. 109, op. 110 /zwei Handschriften/
op. 111 /zwei Handschriften/
V. Sinfonie /alle Sätze/

[in right margin next to the above: ] in zwei Paketen

[signed:] Dr. H Schenker

© Transcription Marko Deisinger, 2012

Vienna, December 12, 1928

To the Archive for Photograms,
Vienna 1

I confirm receipt of the Beethoven photograms:

Op. 101, Op. 109, Op. 110 /two manuscripts/
Op. 111 /two manuscripts/
Fifth Symphony /all movements/

[in right margin next to the above: ] in two packets

With kind regards,
[signed:] Dr. H. Schenker

© Translation Ian Bent, 2012

Wien, am 12. Dezember 1928

An das Archiv für Photogramme,
Wien 1

Ich bestätige die Übernahme der Beethoven Photogramme von

op. 101, op. 109, op. 110 /zwei Handschriften/
op. 111 /zwei Handschriften/
V. Sinfonie /alle Sätze/

[in right margin next to the above: ] in zwei Paketen

[signed:] Dr. H Schenker

© Transcription Marko Deisinger, 2012

Vienna, December 12, 1928

To the Archive for Photograms,
Vienna 1

I confirm receipt of the Beethoven photograms:

Op. 101, Op. 109, Op. 110 /two manuscripts/
Op. 111 /two manuscripts/
Fifth Symphony /all movements/

[in right margin next to the above: ] in two packets

With kind regards,
[signed:] Dr. H. Schenker

© Translation Ian Bent, 2012


1 Writing of this confirmation is not recorded in Schenker's diary. Schenker had lent these materials to the Photogrammarchiv on December 15, 1927 (cf. PhA/Ar 56, [2], December 15, 1927, Schenker to Robert Haas; OJ 4/1, p. 3153, entries for December 15 and 16, 1927); Haas announced the return of these to Schenker on December 8, 1928 (OJ 4/2, p. 3299: "Von Prof. Haas (Br.): kündigt die Rückgabe der von mir entliehenen Bilder an." ("From Prof. Haas (letter): he notifies me of the return of the pictures he has borrowed from me.").


1p letter, half-sheet oblong format, typed message, holograph signature, annotation in unidentified hand
Photogrammarchiv (document date--present)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain.
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2012-10-29