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WSLB 411 - Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to UE, dated July 19, 1929
⇧ Postkarte [small picture, caption: Wien-Karlskirche] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker Galtür, Tirol An die Buchhaltung der „Universal-Edition“ Wien, I Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 19. VII. 29. 1 | * || {verso} An die Buchhaltung der „U.-E.“ 1 Wien, I. Darf ich Sie hiemit an die Halbjahrrechnung für meine „N. m. Th. u. Ph.“ erinnern? Mit bestem Dank im Voraus u. vorzüglicher Hochachtung Ihr ergb [signed:] H Schenker Galtür, Tirol 19. 7. 29 [UE date stamp, to right of salutations:] ⇧ eingegangen: 22. Juli. 1929 beantwortet: ⇧ 23. VII. 29 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard [small picture, caption: Vienna-Karlskirche] [From:] ⇧ Schenker, Galtür, Tyrol To the Book-keeping Department of Universal Edition, Vienna I, Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 19. VII. 29. 1 | * || {verso} To the Book-keeping Department of UE 1 Vienna, I May I herewith remind you of the half-yearly statement of account for my New Musical Theories and Fantasies? With grateful thanks in anticipation, and kind regards, Yours truly, [signed:] H. Schenker Galtür, Tirol July 19, 1929 [UE date stamp, to right of salutations:] ⇧ received: July 22, 1929 answered: ⇧ 23. VII. 29 © Translation Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postkarte [small picture, caption: Wien-Karlskirche] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker Galtür, Tirol An die Buchhaltung der „Universal-Edition“ Wien, I Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 19. VII. 29. 1 | * || {verso} An die Buchhaltung der „U.-E.“ 1 Wien, I. Darf ich Sie hiemit an die Halbjahrrechnung für meine „N. m. Th. u. Ph.“ erinnern? Mit bestem Dank im Voraus u. vorzüglicher Hochachtung Ihr ergb [signed:] H Schenker Galtür, Tirol 19. 7. 29 [UE date stamp, to right of salutations:] ⇧ eingegangen: 22. Juli. 1929 beantwortet: ⇧ 23. VII. 29 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard [small picture, caption: Vienna-Karlskirche] [From:] ⇧ Schenker, Galtür, Tyrol To the Book-keeping Department of Universal Edition, Vienna I, Karlsplatz 6 [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 19. VII. 29. 1 | * || {verso} To the Book-keeping Department of UE 1 Vienna, I May I herewith remind you of the half-yearly statement of account for my New Musical Theories and Fantasies? With grateful thanks in anticipation, and kind regards, Yours truly, [signed:] H. Schenker Galtür, Tirol July 19, 1929 [UE date stamp, to right of salutations:] ⇧ received: July 22, 1929 answered: ⇧ 23. VII. 29 © Translation Ian Bent, 2012 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/2, p. 3355, July 19, 1929: "An die U.-E. (K.): erbitte die Abrechnung." ("To UE (postcard: request the statement of account."). |
Digital version created: 2012-09-14 |