31. Schön, kühl.
— Von Steglich (Br.): gegen die Polemik; fragt, ob die Arietta 1 nicht von den letzten Takten des 1. Satzes abzuleiten wäre? 2 — Attentat auf Generalfeldmarschall Eichhorn. — Bei Medek gibt Lie-Liechen nun zum zweitenmal eine Rechnung zurück, die ihr irrtümlich zugekommen. — Von Sophie Paket. — Abends ins Caféhaus. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
31 Nice, cool.
— From Steglich (letter): against polemic; asks whether the Arietta 1 is not in part derived from the last bars of the first movement? 2 — Field Marshal Eichhorn has been assassinated. — At Medek for the second time Lie-Liechen returns an invoice that has been delivered to her in error. — From Sophie, packet. — In the evening, to the coffee-house. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
31. Schön, kühl.
— Von Steglich (Br.): gegen die Polemik; fragt, ob die Arietta 1 nicht von den letzten Takten des 1. Satzes abzuleiten wäre? 2 — Attentat auf Generalfeldmarschall Eichhorn. — Bei Medek gibt Lie-Liechen nun zum zweitenmal eine Rechnung zurück, die ihr irrtümlich zugekommen. — Von Sophie Paket. — Abends ins Caféhaus. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
31 Nice, cool.
— From Steglich (letter): against polemic; asks whether the Arietta 1 is not in part derived from the last bars of the first movement? 2 — Field Marshal Eichhorn has been assassinated. — At Medek for the second time Lie-Liechen returns an invoice that has been delivered to her in error. — From Sophie, packet. — In the evening, to the coffee-house. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
Footnotes1 "Arietta," second movement of Beethoven, Piano Sonata in C minor, Op. 111. 2 See H. Federhofer, Heinrich Schenker nach Tagebüchern und Briefen ... (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1985), p. 212, where Steglich's letter is quoted in part. At first Steglich praises Schenker's Erläuterungsausgabe to Beethoven's Sonata Op. 111 then goes on in considerable detail to postulate that in his opinion there are musical connections between the first movement and the Arietta of this sonata, which had not been mentioned by Schenker. |