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6. Mai 1927 20°, schön.

— Von Albersheim (K.): wird Montag wieder kommen. 1 — Von Mozio (Br.= OJ 14/5, [22]): Brief von Fröhlich beigelegt, aus dem hervorgeht, daß Mozio wirklich am 30. geschrieben. — Vom Verlag (Br.): Fig. 33 zur 2. Korrektur. — An den Verlag recomm.= OC 54/153 Fig. 33 imprimirt zurück; warte, ob Fig. 29 ausgebessert wird, da ich sonst eine Fußnote schreiben müßte. — An Mozio (K.): erkläre das Ausbleiben eines beträchtlichen Geldes mit der Krankheit eines Schülers; deshalb das Telegramm. — Im botanischen Garten Fahnen korrigirt bis 11h vorm. — Mit Hoboken Scarlatti-Brahms 2 zuende gebracht, er verreist bis zum 24. — Vom Verlag die Vrieslander-Tafeln zur 1. Korrektur.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

May 6, 1927, 20°, fair weather.

— From Albersheim (postcard): he will start coming again on Monday. 1 — From Mozio (letter= OJ 14/5, [22]): letter from Fröhlich enclosed, from which it emerges that Mozio actually wrote on the 30th. — From the publisher (letter): Fig. 33 for second correction. — To the publisher Fig. 33 returned by registered mail= OC 54/153, with my authority to publish; I am waiting to see if Fig. 29 will be revised, since otherwise I would have to write a footnote. — To Mozio (postcard): I explain the lack of a considerable sum of money on account of a pupil's illness; that is why I sent a telegram. — In the Botanical Garden, proofs corrected until 11 a.m. — With Hoboken, Scarlatti-Brahms 2 brought to conclusion; he is away on travels until the 24th. — From the publisher, the Vrieslander graphs for first correction.

© Translation William Drabkin.

6. Mai 1927 20°, schön.

— Von Albersheim (K.): wird Montag wieder kommen. 1 — Von Mozio (Br.= OJ 14/5, [22]): Brief von Fröhlich beigelegt, aus dem hervorgeht, daß Mozio wirklich am 30. geschrieben. — Vom Verlag (Br.): Fig. 33 zur 2. Korrektur. — An den Verlag recomm.= OC 54/153 Fig. 33 imprimirt zurück; warte, ob Fig. 29 ausgebessert wird, da ich sonst eine Fußnote schreiben müßte. — An Mozio (K.): erkläre das Ausbleiben eines beträchtlichen Geldes mit der Krankheit eines Schülers; deshalb das Telegramm. — Im botanischen Garten Fahnen korrigirt bis 11h vorm. — Mit Hoboken Scarlatti-Brahms 2 zuende gebracht, er verreist bis zum 24. — Vom Verlag die Vrieslander-Tafeln zur 1. Korrektur.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

May 6, 1927, 20°, fair weather.

— From Albersheim (postcard): he will start coming again on Monday. 1 — From Mozio (letter= OJ 14/5, [22]): letter from Fröhlich enclosed, from which it emerges that Mozio actually wrote on the 30th. — From the publisher (letter): Fig. 33 for second correction. — To the publisher Fig. 33 returned by registered mail= OC 54/153, with my authority to publish; I am waiting to see if Fig. 29 will be revised, since otherwise I would have to write a footnote. — To Mozio (postcard): I explain the lack of a considerable sum of money on account of a pupil's illness; that is why I sent a telegram. — In the Botanical Garden, proofs corrected until 11 a.m. — With Hoboken, Scarlatti-Brahms 2 brought to conclusion; he is away on travels until the 24th. — From the publisher, the Vrieslander graphs for first correction.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Albersheim had been ill for several weeks and unable to attend his lessons: lessonbook 1926/27, p. 4 records no lessons between April 11 and Monday May 9, with a note between stating "absent since April 22."

2 Manuscript copies of Scarlatti sonatas in Brahms's Nachlass at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Vienna, mainly under the signature [Brahms, Nachlass] VII - 28011, A-G.