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An Deutsch (Br.): schicke die Karte von Weisse: Welche Plage: Schaffen, zahlen, propagiren, um das Rettungswerk 1 zu vollbringen. — An Halberstam (Br.): Einladung u. etwas über den Mozart-Brief, 2 um ihm die Einladung annehmbar zu machen. — An den Verlag (Br.): ob der Betrag in zwei Raten, am 10. III. u. 20. VI. zu zahlen gestattet wäre? Erbitte noch einmal die letzte Abrechnung für 1930. — An Weisse (K.): Dank für die Mitteilung, füge der Briefstelle von Mozart noch zwei Sätze hinzu, die ich dringend empfehle. — Diktat {3593} zum Tagebuch vor Tisch. — Zu Hiess das Etui der Plaquette in Reparatur gegeben. — Von der Deutschen Buchgemeinschaft (Br.): Absage. 3 — Rf.: paar Takte „Elektra“. — Lie-Liechen noch zwei Stunden beim Schreibtisch.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


To Deutsch (letter): I send him Weisse’s postcard: what a bother! Doing, counting, advertising, in order to accomplish the rescue mission. 1 — To Halberstam (letter): invitation, and something about the Mozart letter 2 in order to make the invitation more appealing. — To the publishers (letter): could the sum be paid in two installments, on March 10 and June 20? I request once again the final account for 1930. — To Weisse (postcard): thanks for the communication; I add two more sentences to the passage from Mozart’s letter, which I urgently recommend. — Diary dictation {3593} before lunch. — To Hiess, the cover for the medallion taken for repair. — From the German Book Society (letter): refusal. 3 — Radio: a few bars from Elektra . — Lie-Liechen at her desk for a further two hours.

© Translation William Drabkin.


An Deutsch (Br.): schicke die Karte von Weisse: Welche Plage: Schaffen, zahlen, propagiren, um das Rettungswerk 1 zu vollbringen. — An Halberstam (Br.): Einladung u. etwas über den Mozart-Brief, 2 um ihm die Einladung annehmbar zu machen. — An den Verlag (Br.): ob der Betrag in zwei Raten, am 10. III. u. 20. VI. zu zahlen gestattet wäre? Erbitte noch einmal die letzte Abrechnung für 1930. — An Weisse (K.): Dank für die Mitteilung, füge der Briefstelle von Mozart noch zwei Sätze hinzu, die ich dringend empfehle. — Diktat {3593} zum Tagebuch vor Tisch. — Zu Hiess das Etui der Plaquette in Reparatur gegeben. — Von der Deutschen Buchgemeinschaft (Br.): Absage. 3 — Rf.: paar Takte „Elektra“. — Lie-Liechen noch zwei Stunden beim Schreibtisch.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.


To Deutsch (letter): I send him Weisse’s postcard: what a bother! Doing, counting, advertising, in order to accomplish the rescue mission. 1 — To Halberstam (letter): invitation, and something about the Mozart letter 2 in order to make the invitation more appealing. — To the publishers (letter): could the sum be paid in two installments, on March 10 and June 20? I request once again the final account for 1930. — To Weisse (postcard): thanks for the communication; I add two more sentences to the passage from Mozart’s letter, which I urgently recommend. — Diary dictation {3593} before lunch. — To Hiess, the cover for the medallion taken for repair. — From the German Book Society (letter): refusal. 3 — Radio: a few bars from Elektra . — Lie-Liechen at her desk for a further two hours.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 By Rettungswerk, Schenker probably means the acquisition of a sum of money to cover the production costs of the third Meisterwerk Yearbook, which had not yet been paid off. In his postcard of March 3, 1931OJ 15/15, [58]), Weisse speaks of his success at the Society for Music Pedagogy, but does not mention his efforts to secure a subvention for the Yearbook from Wilhelm Furtwängler.

2 Schenker wrote about this letter in his article "Ein verschollener Brief von Mozart und das Geheimnis seines Schaffens," Der Kunstwart 44 (July 1931), pp. 660–66.

3 In his previous letter to the Society, Schenker had suggested that they publish a collection of his own writings.