24. Regen, Sturm, 6°!
— Mitzi scheuert das Musikzimmer u. die blaue Stube. — Von Frl. Violin (expreß-K.): kommt morgen. — Zuhause wegen des schlechten Wetters. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
24, rain, storm, 6°!
— Mitzi scrubs the music room and the blue room. — From Miss Violin (express postcard): she is coming tomorrow. — At home on account of the bad weather. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
24. Regen, Sturm, 6°!
— Mitzi scheuert das Musikzimmer u. die blaue Stube. — Von Frl. Violin (expreß-K.): kommt morgen. — Zuhause wegen des schlechten Wetters. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
24, rain, storm, 6°!
— Mitzi scrubs the music room and the blue room. — From Miss Violin (express postcard): she is coming tomorrow. — At home on account of the bad weather. —© Translation William Drabkin. |