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18. X.
Weisse :

Ueber Wiederholungen im Dienste des Präludiums, des Arpeggio im Dienste der Verbreiterung eines Klanges, ohne u. mit Synkope; einiges aus dem letzten Satz op. 108 v. Brahms, {16} speciell über Trugschluss, Chromatisirung, Synkope u. rückende Noten; 1 über Klangverbreiterungen als Motiv: V ě7/3 ę II ě6. On Nietzsche.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

October 18, [1912]
Weisse :

About repetitions in the service of the prelude; about arpeggio as a means of expanding a chord, with and without syncopation. Some things from the last movement of Brahms Op. 108, {16} especially deceptive cadence, chromaticization, syncopation and tugging notes; 1 on chord expansion as motive: V ě7/3 ę II ě6. Ueber Nietzsche.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

18. X.
Weisse :

Ueber Wiederholungen im Dienste des Präludiums, des Arpeggio im Dienste der Verbreiterung eines Klanges, ohne u. mit Synkope; einiges aus dem letzten Satz op. 108 v. Brahms, {16} speciell über Trugschluss, Chromatisirung, Synkope u. rückende Noten; 1 über Klangverbreiterungen als Motiv: V ě7/3 ę II ě6. On Nietzsche.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

October 18, [1912]
Weisse :

About repetitions in the service of the prelude; about arpeggio as a means of expanding a chord, with and without syncopation. Some things from the last movement of Brahms Op. 108, {16} especially deceptive cadence, chromaticization, syncopation and tugging notes; 1 on chord expansion as motive: V ě7/3 ę II ě6. Ueber Nietzsche.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 “rückende Noten” (“tugging notes”): this phrase is used several times in the analysis of the last movement of this sonata in the unpublished analysis preserved at OC 34/210–32, 229, 223, probably datable to October–December 1912. It denotes a treatment of syncopation in which a bass note enters immediately after the syncopated note, on the beat, the combination giving a tugging “character.”