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Weisse :

Aufgaben, 5. Gatt. 1 sehr gut; einiges aus op. 110. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

[May] 9, [1913]
Weisse :

Exercises in fifth species 1 very good; some points on Op. 110. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

Weisse :

Aufgaben, 5. Gatt. 1 sehr gut; einiges aus op. 110. 2

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

[May] 9, [1913]
Weisse :

Exercises in fifth species 1 very good; some points on Op. 110. 2

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 Weisse’s study of counterpoint in May 2, [6,] and 9, 1913 is discussed in detail in Timothy L. Jackson, "Punctus contra punctus …," Journal of Schenkerian Studies iv (2010), 138 and 142–43, collated with Weisse’s own surviving counterpoint notebooks. Lessons for May 2 and 9, the exercises, with Schenker’s annotations, for which are preserved in the first notebook, cover three-voice counterpoint, fifth species and mixture with earlier species.

2 Schenker’s diary for May 9 records: “Abends zum ersten mal bei Direktor Weisse. Taktlose Frage des Vaters in Gegenwart des Sohnes „was ich über dessen Talent denke.“” (“In the evening, at Director Weisse's for the first time. Tactless question from the father in the presence of his son: ‘What do I think of his talent?’”).