LC ASC 27/45, [24] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated January 16,
Violin reports on his "Music workshop" at the Jewish Center; is reading about
New York; is looking through his letters from Schoenberg from c.1902; reflects on knowledge
versus ignorance; wants to talk with Schoenberg about possibilities for playing in New
LC ASC 27/45, [25] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated February 8,
Violin expresses joy at the news of the birth of a son to
LC ASC 27/45, [26] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated March 29, 1941
Violin thanks Schoenberg for his recent stay in Los Angeles, and comments on
Schoenberg's lecture "Composition with Twelve Tones," which he attended during that stay. —
He reminds Schoenberg to advocate for him for an engagement with the New York New Friends of
Music; and he mentions for the first time his plan to found an institute in San
LC ASC 27/45, [27] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated April 14, 1941
Violin reports encouraging news on his planned "institute," spells out some of
his ideas, and seeks to discuss further with Schoenberg.
LC ASC 27/45, [28] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated May 21, 1941
Violin reports that he has been trying to rescue his sister from Vienna. — He
wants to report to Schoenberg in person how his "institute" ideas are developing.— He asks
for the score of a Schoenberg composition in order to see how the 12-tone method is
implemented. — He asks for answers to recently asked questions. — And he inquires after the
Guggenheim Foundation.
LC ASC 27/45, [29] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated July 20, 1941
Violin recounts his experience with one of his sponsors and subsequent
interview with her skeptical agent regarding an (unspecified) new project.
LC ASC 7/50, [14] Typewritten letter (carbon copy) from Schoenberg to Moriz Violin, dated April 15,
Schoenberg gives his reaction to the description that Violin has given of his
role in Violin's planned "institute."
OJ 70/1, [1] Handwritten draft letter from Moriz Violin to Mrs. Schwabacher, undated [c. July 10,
Violin reports – perhsps protests – to Mrs. Schwabacher on his interview with
her agent, Mr. Pettis.