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German soprano.

Otti Hey studied piano with Karl Klindworth in Berlin. In 1899–1903 she worked as a dramatic singer in the town theaters of Bremen, Kolmar, and Stattin, and in 1908–09 as a concert artist in Vienna. From 1910 to 1921, she worked as a vocal instructor in Munich and Augsburg, and from 1921 she lived in Vienna teaching voice and working as a concert artist. She was a member of the Österreichischer Musikpädagogenverband, and of the Reger Society and the Pfitzner Society. From 1910 to 1917, she was married to Herman Roth.


  • Müller, Erich H., ed., Deutsches Musiklexikon (Dresden: Wilhelm Limpert, 1929), cols 556–57


  • Marko Deisinger