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Sbb 55 Nachl. 13, [2] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler, dated July 3, 1927
Schenker recommends Oppel's Mass, and commends Anthony van Hoboken to Furtwängler.
OJ 11/16, [7] Handwritten letter from Furtwängler to Schenker, dated August 30, 1929
Furtwängler comments retrospectively on the Heidelberg affair, and rejoices over the "Eroica" monograph.
OJ 89/3, [10] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated September 18, 1929
Schenker acknowledges check; — comments on Hoboken's work on a Chopin Etude; — discusses an approach by Vrieslander; — explains how the possibility of a professorship at Heidelberg had come about.
Diary entry by Schenker for 15 August 1929
Diary entry by Schenker for 24 August 1929
Diary entry by Schenker for 13 January 1931