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OJ 11/36, [10] Handwritten letter from Hammer to Schenker dated November 25, 1923
Hammer thanks Schenker for hospitality on November 7, and recommends Eugen Steinhof for lessons.
JOB 94-3, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated December 2, 1923
Schenker has heard nothing from Eugen Steinhof; — he commends Hammer's reaction to Halm's work, and comments unfavorably on the latter's musicianship, character, and opinions; — he writes disparagingly of Robert Brünauer.
OJ 11/36, [11] Handwritten letter from Hammer to Schenker, dated January 5, 1923 [recte 1924]
Hammer refers to the making of a portrait; — he discusses German and Austrian art with respect to Italian and French; — he comments favorably on Der Tonwille, but defends the art of the French.