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Sister of Emilie Schiff (née Strasser), hence maternal aunt of Jeanette Schenker (=Jenny Schiff) and the latter’s six sisters and three brothers. She was one of seven children born to Aron and Cäcilie Strasser. She was married to Max Fleischmann

Lotte appears in Heinrich Schenker’s diary between 1928 and 1934: Jeanette corresponded with her, and they were in touch socially. She is referred to in a letter from Rosa Weil (née Schiff) to Jeanette (OJ 14/10, [15]) as “Aunt Lotti.” being 79 in 1934, and living in Karlsbad.

In late April 1936, when Jeanette, embarking on her six-month voyage to Santiago, Chile and back, headed first to Aussig, she visited Lotti, remarking in her diary of the voyage: “Between 7 and 8 o’clock at Aunt Lotti’s; she is 80(!) and was visibly cheered by the visit.”

She is not to be confused with Lotte Hatschek, daughter of Emil Hatschek and Hella, née Schiff.


  • Ian Bent

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  • OJ 14/10, [15] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated November 24–28, 1934

    12-page letter written over four days: Arnold has, Rosa Weil agrees with Jeanette, taken on a paternal role over the Schiff siblings. She comments at length on Victor: admirable in what he has achieved, as a free man in [South] America he shows no concern for the troubles of his siblings in Europe, responding only by preaching Zionist rhetoric. Arnold, on the other hand, cares selflessly for all who are in need, while working from morning to night. — Jeanette is given news of her sons [whom she has not seen since 1910], their wives and children. — Rosa reflects on her own life and responsibilities, and her wishes before she dies. — She proudly describes her home and the plants that she cultivates in it.
