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Daughter of Aron and Cäcilie Strasser, sister of Charlotte (Lotti) Strasser [m. Fleischmann], mother of Jeanette Schenker.

Emilie Schiff was the wife of Wilhelm (Wolf) Schiff, and mother of ten children:

Nothing is known of Emilie's life, or of her death.


  • Ian Bent

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  • OJ 14/9, [3] Handwritten letter from Victor Schiff to Jeanette Schenker, dated March 21, 1926

    Victor Schiff thanks Jeanette for the invitation to stay with her and Heinrich; he uses nautical imagery to liken this contact to two ships on different courses, whose courses happen to cross in mid-ocean. — Victor encloses a photograph of himself. — He is touched that Jeanette has kept all the letters from him; he himself kept all of hers but lost them while travelling,

  • OJ 14/10, [15] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated November 24–28, 1934

    12-page letter written over four days: Arnold has, Rosa Weil agrees with Jeanette, taken on a paternal role over the Schiff siblings. She comments at length on Victor: admirable in what he has achieved, as a free man in [South] America he shows no concern for the troubles of his siblings in Europe, responding only by preaching Zionist rhetoric. Arnold, on the other hand, cares selflessly for all who are in need, while working from morning to night. — Jeanette is given news of her sons [whom she has not seen since 1910], their wives and children. — Rosa reflects on her own life and responsibilities, and her wishes before she dies. — She proudly describes her home and the plants that she cultivates in it.
