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„Universal-Edition“ Actiengesellschaft
Maximilianstrasse No.11.
(Jos. Aibl Verlag G.m.b.H. Leipzig)

[elaborate printed letterhead, with pairs of medals left and right, and framed list of offices in ten countries down left side. The medal pairs are labeled: [left:] "PRÄMIIERT LÜTTICH 1905" ("AWARDED PRIZE, LIÈGE 1905") and [right:] "PRÄMIIERT BERLIN 1906" ("AWARDED PRIZE, BERLIN 1906")]

Wien, 24. März 1908

Hochwohlgeboren Herrn Professor Dr. Heinr. Schenker

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Wir stehen unmittelbar vor der Herstellung einer Neuauflage Jhrer Ornamentik.

Sollten Sie bei dieser Neuauflage irgendwelche Wünsche haben, so bitten wir um geschätzte Rückäusserung und empfehlen uns Jhnen

hochachtungsvoll ergeben
[signed:] Universal-Edition Actiengesellschaft
[signed:] Emil Hertzka

P.S. Unter allen Umständen bitten wir um möglichst umgehende Antwort, da die Anfertigung der Neuauflage dringend geworden ist.

[annotation in bottom margin:] u. seit 1908 ??

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016

Universal Edition & Co.
Maximilianstrasse 11
(Jos. Aibl Publisher & Co., Leipzig)

[elaborate printed letterhead, with pairs of medals left and right, and framed list of offices in ten countries down left side. The medal pairs are labeled: [left:] "PRÄMIIERT LÜTTICH 1905" ("AWARDED PRIZE, LIÈGE 1905") and [right:] "PRÄMIIERT BERLIN 1906" ("AWARDED PRIZE, BERLIN 1906")]

Vienna, March 24, 1908

Professor Heinrich Schenker, Esq.

Dear Professor, 1

We are on the point of going into production with a new edition of your Ornamentation.

If you have requirements of any sort regarding this new edition, we should be glad to hear from you. We remain

Respectfully your devoted
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
[signed:] Emil Hertzka

P.S. In any eventuality, we ask for your reply as soon as possible, since the preparation of the new edition has become urgent.

[annotation in bottom margin:] and since 1908 ??

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016

„Universal-Edition“ Actiengesellschaft
Maximilianstrasse No.11.
(Jos. Aibl Verlag G.m.b.H. Leipzig)

[elaborate printed letterhead, with pairs of medals left and right, and framed list of offices in ten countries down left side. The medal pairs are labeled: [left:] "PRÄMIIERT LÜTTICH 1905" ("AWARDED PRIZE, LIÈGE 1905") and [right:] "PRÄMIIERT BERLIN 1906" ("AWARDED PRIZE, BERLIN 1906")]

Wien, 24. März 1908

Hochwohlgeboren Herrn Professor Dr. Heinr. Schenker

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Wir stehen unmittelbar vor der Herstellung einer Neuauflage Jhrer Ornamentik.

Sollten Sie bei dieser Neuauflage irgendwelche Wünsche haben, so bitten wir um geschätzte Rückäusserung und empfehlen uns Jhnen

hochachtungsvoll ergeben
[signed:] Universal-Edition Actiengesellschaft
[signed:] Emil Hertzka

P.S. Unter allen Umständen bitten wir um möglichst umgehende Antwort, da die Anfertigung der Neuauflage dringend geworden ist.

[annotation in bottom margin:] u. seit 1908 ??

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016

Universal Edition & Co.
Maximilianstrasse 11
(Jos. Aibl Publisher & Co., Leipzig)

[elaborate printed letterhead, with pairs of medals left and right, and framed list of offices in ten countries down left side. The medal pairs are labeled: [left:] "PRÄMIIERT LÜTTICH 1905" ("AWARDED PRIZE, LIÈGE 1905") and [right:] "PRÄMIIERT BERLIN 1906" ("AWARDED PRIZE, BERLIN 1906")]

Vienna, March 24, 1908

Professor Heinrich Schenker, Esq.

Dear Professor, 1

We are on the point of going into production with a new edition of your Ornamentation.

If you have requirements of any sort regarding this new edition, we should be glad to hear from you. We remain

Respectfully your devoted
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
[signed:] Emil Hertzka

P.S. In any eventuality, we ask for your reply as soon as possible, since the preparation of the new edition has become urgent.

[annotation in bottom margin:] and since 1908 ??

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 1/7, p. 85, March 25, 1908: "„U.Ed.“ kündigt teilt mir die Notwendigkeit einer II Aufl. der Ornamentik an mit ." ("UE announces informs me of the need for a second edition of Ornamentik.")


Rights Holder
Universal Edition, published here by kind permission
Published by kind permission of Universal Edition granted on December 6, 2010
1p letter, printed letterhead, typewritten salutation, message, and valediction, stamped and holograph signatures; typewritten postscript; annotation by Heinrich Schenker
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2016-03-08
Last updated: 2010-02-07