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[printed letterhead, placed sideways in left margin: ]

I. Karlsplatz 6

Wien, 7. August 1928.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
Galtür i. Paznauntal

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Den Betrag von S. 162.26 haben wir Ihnen per Postsparkasse am 13. Juli 1928 [cued from lower margin:] an Ihre Wiener Adresse 2 überwiesen. Der Betrag wurde auch von unserem Postsparkassenkonto in Abzug gebracht.

Wir schreiben gleichzeitig an das Postsparkassenamt in dieser Angelegenheit und behalten uns vor, Ihnen in einigen Tagen Nachricht zukommen zu lassen.

Inzwischen empfehlen wir uns

mit vorzülicher Hochachtung
[signed:] Universal-Edition Actiengesellschaft
[signed:] pp. Winter

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2012

[printed letterhead, placed sideways in left margin: ]

Karlsplatz 6
Musikverein Building

Vienna, August 7, 1928

Prof. Heinrich Schenker,
Galtür in Paznauntal

Dear Professor, 1

We transferred the sum of 162.26 shillings to you via the Postal Savings Bank on July 13, 1928 [cued from lower margin:] to your Vienna address 2 . The sum was also deducted from our Postal Savings Bank account.

We are writing by the same post to the Postal Savings Bank concerning this matter, and will be sure to let you have news in a few days.

Meanwhile we remain

with kind regards,
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
[signed:] pp. Winter

© Translation Ian Bent, 2012

[printed letterhead, placed sideways in left margin: ]

I. Karlsplatz 6

Wien, 7. August 1928.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
Galtür i. Paznauntal

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Den Betrag von S. 162.26 haben wir Ihnen per Postsparkasse am 13. Juli 1928 [cued from lower margin:] an Ihre Wiener Adresse 2 überwiesen. Der Betrag wurde auch von unserem Postsparkassenkonto in Abzug gebracht.

Wir schreiben gleichzeitig an das Postsparkassenamt in dieser Angelegenheit und behalten uns vor, Ihnen in einigen Tagen Nachricht zukommen zu lassen.

Inzwischen empfehlen wir uns

mit vorzülicher Hochachtung
[signed:] Universal-Edition Actiengesellschaft
[signed:] pp. Winter

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2012

[printed letterhead, placed sideways in left margin: ]

Karlsplatz 6
Musikverein Building

Vienna, August 7, 1928

Prof. Heinrich Schenker,
Galtür in Paznauntal

Dear Professor, 1

We transferred the sum of 162.26 shillings to you via the Postal Savings Bank on July 13, 1928 [cued from lower margin:] to your Vienna address 2 . The sum was also deducted from our Postal Savings Bank account.

We are writing by the same post to the Postal Savings Bank concerning this matter, and will be sure to let you have news in a few days.

Meanwhile we remain

with kind regards,
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
[signed:] pp. Winter

© Translation Ian Bent, 2012


1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/1, p. 3240, August 9, 1928: "Von der U.-E. (Br.): das Geld sei schon überwiesen, werden die Postsparkasse mahnen u. dann berichten." ("From UE (letter): the money has already been transferred; they will remind the Post Office Savings Bank and then report back."). This letter exists in two sources: OC 52/913, the dispatched letter with printed letterhead and signatures, and WSLB 398, the carbon copy lacking letterhead and both signatures but initialed.

2 in OC 52/913 only.


OC 52/913: Schenker, Heinrich (1928-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-1977)—New York Public Library (c.1977-) WSLB 398: Universal Edition Archive (1928-1976)—on permanent loan to the Wienbibliothek im Rathhaus (1976-)
Rights Holder
Universal Edition, A.G., Wien, published here by kind permission
email from Aygün Lausch (Universal Edition) to Ian Bent, 2004-09-09, confirming UE’s ownership of IPR and granting permission to publish. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.
OC 52/913: 1p letter, horiontal format, printed letterhead, typed message with handwritten marginal insert, stamped and handwritten signatures WSLB 398: 1p letter, horiontal format, carbon copy, typed message, initialled, no letterhead, no signatures
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2012-08-01
Last updated: 2012-08-01