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[printed:] Postkarte

Absender: Deutsch II. Böcklinstr. 26

[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Wien III {verso}
Wien, 22. IV. 1932.

Lieber verehrter Herr Professor! 1

Mein Mann muss Dienstag Nachmittag zu einer Pressekonferenz und bittet Sie deshalb, sich etwas zu gedulden, wenn er nicht um 5 Uhr schon da sein kann; 2 er kommt aber zuverlässig um ¼6h etwa hin. 3

Mit vielen Grüssen von uns Beiden
[signed:] Hanna Deutsch

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard

From: Deutsch, [Vienna] II, Böcklinstraße 26

[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III {verso}
Vienna, April 22, 1932

Much revered Professor, 1

My husband must go to a press conference on Tuesday afternoon and therefore asks you to be patient if he is not there on the stroke of 5 o’clock. 2 You can count on his arriving by about 5.15. 3

With best greetings from us both,
[signed:] Hanna Deutsch

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postkarte

Absender: Deutsch II. Böcklinstr. 26

[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Wien III {verso}
Wien, 22. IV. 1932.

Lieber verehrter Herr Professor! 1

Mein Mann muss Dienstag Nachmittag zu einer Pressekonferenz und bittet Sie deshalb, sich etwas zu gedulden, wenn er nicht um 5 Uhr schon da sein kann; 2 er kommt aber zuverlässig um ¼6h etwa hin. 3

Mit vielen Grüssen von uns Beiden
[signed:] Hanna Deutsch

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard

From: Deutsch, [Vienna] II, Böcklinstraße 26

[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III {verso}
Vienna, April 22, 1932

Much revered Professor, 1

My husband must go to a press conference on Tuesday afternoon and therefore asks you to be patient if he is not there on the stroke of 5 o’clock. 2 You can count on his arriving by about 5.15. 3

With best greetings from us both,
[signed:] Hanna Deutsch

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for April 12, 1932: “Von Deutsch (K): kann Dienstag erst um ¼6h kommen.” (“From Deutsch (postcard): he cannot come before 5:15 on Tuesday.”).

2 See Deutsch’s letter of April 20 (OC 54/364) for the initial arrangement of this meeting at the Café Aspang. Schenker’s diary confirms this in a postcard to Deutsch written the following day, specifying a time of 4:30 (not 5 o’clock).

3 The meeting is recorded in Schenker’s diary for April 26, 1932: “Jause im Café Aspang: Prof. Deutsch (¼6–8h!): über den Verlag des Urlinie-Heftes; Urlinie-Handschriften-Klasse? Klassisch – romantisch bei Schubert?” (“Afternoon snack at the Café Aspang: Prof. Deutsch (5:15 to 8 o’clock!): concerning the publisher of the Urlinie volume. A class in [preparing] Urlinie manuscripts? Classical–Romantic in Schubert?”).


Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich Deutsch, published here by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich Deutsch February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk
Printed postcard: holograph (Hanna Deutsch) sender and recipient addresses, postmark and postage stamp, recto; holograph (Hanna Deutsch) salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2023-08-03
Last updated: 2015-09-19