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OC A/285 - Handwritten postcard from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated December 15, 1934
[all in a single rule-frame] Postkarte [An: ]Wolgeboren Herrn Dr Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 1 WIEN 1 | 15.XII.34 22 | * b * || [for continuation of recto, see below] {verso} Wien 15/12 1934 Meine Lieben! 1 Besten Dank für Deine l. Karte. 2 Bitte den Herrn Dr. Wurmfeld 3 aufmerksam zu machen, dass der Leiter der Kurzwellenstation an der Klinik, Dr. Weissenberg 4 übermorgen Montag Abend um 6h im Studio der Ravagausstellung einen Vortrag über seine Therapie (wird per Radio nicht übertragen) halten wird. Wenn Dr. W. Interesse für die Sache hat, könnte er den Vortrag besuchen. Übrigens habe ich Dr. Weissenberg bereits von Dir gesprochen u. auch angekündigt, dass {recto} Dr. W. sich wahrscheinlich mit ihm in’s Einvernehmen setzen wird. Ich bin überzeugt von der Güte der Sache. Gestern war ich um 1h Mittag, auf der Klinik der 92ste Patient. 5 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2023 |
[all in a single rule-frame] Postcard [To: ]Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Esq. Vienna III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 1 VIENNA 1 | 15.XII.34 22 | * b * || [for continuation of recto, see below] {verso} Vienna, December 15, 1934 My dears, 1 Many thanks for your kind postcard. 2 Please make Dr. Wurmfeld 3 aware that the director of the shortwave station at the clinic, Dr. Weissenberg, 4 is giving a lecture the day after tomorrow, Monday evening, at 6 o’clock at the studio of the RAVAG exhibition about his therapy (not being broadcast on the radio). If Dr. Wurmfeld is interested in the subject, he could attend the lecture. In addition, I have already spoken to Dr. Weissenberg about you, and also told him that {recto} Dr. Wurmfeld will probably get in touch with him. I am convinced that the matter is a good thing. Yesterday at 1 p.m. I was the 92nd patient at the clinic. 5 © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
[all in a single rule-frame] Postkarte [An: ]Wolgeboren Herrn Dr Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 1 WIEN 1 | 15.XII.34 22 | * b * || [for continuation of recto, see below] {verso} Wien 15/12 1934 Meine Lieben! 1 Besten Dank für Deine l. Karte. 2 Bitte den Herrn Dr. Wurmfeld 3 aufmerksam zu machen, dass der Leiter der Kurzwellenstation an der Klinik, Dr. Weissenberg 4 übermorgen Montag Abend um 6h im Studio der Ravagausstellung einen Vortrag über seine Therapie (wird per Radio nicht übertragen) halten wird. Wenn Dr. W. Interesse für die Sache hat, könnte er den Vortrag besuchen. Übrigens habe ich Dr. Weissenberg bereits von Dir gesprochen u. auch angekündigt, dass {recto} Dr. W. sich wahrscheinlich mit ihm in’s Einvernehmen setzen wird. Ich bin überzeugt von der Güte der Sache. Gestern war ich um 1h Mittag, auf der Klinik der 92ste Patient. 5 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2023 |
[all in a single rule-frame] Postcard [To: ]Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Esq. Vienna III Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || 1 VIENNA 1 | 15.XII.34 22 | * b * || [for continuation of recto, see below] {verso} Vienna, December 15, 1934 My dears, 1 Many thanks for your kind postcard. 2 Please make Dr. Wurmfeld 3 aware that the director of the shortwave station at the clinic, Dr. Weissenberg, 4 is giving a lecture the day after tomorrow, Monday evening, at 6 o’clock at the studio of the RAVAG exhibition about his therapy (not being broadcast on the radio). If Dr. Wurmfeld is interested in the subject, he could attend the lecture. In addition, I have already spoken to Dr. Weissenberg about you, and also told him that {recto} Dr. Wurmfeld will probably get in touch with him. I am convinced that the matter is a good thing. Yesterday at 1 p.m. I was the 92nd patient at the clinic. 5 © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this postcard is not recorded in Heinrich’s diary. 2 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Heinrich’s diary. 3 Dr. Wurmfeld: Heinrich’s personal doctor since July 1934. On several occasions between November 6 and December 15 he is summoned to the house because Heinrich is feeling unwell, and he is presumably the “doctor” involved almost daily during Heinrich’s final days in January 1935. 4 Eugen Weissenberg, medical superintendent of the shortwave section of the University of Vienna's Clinic for Nervous and Mental Diseases. Heinrich’s diary for November 28, 1934 records: “Nach Tisch fällt die Ruhe aus, weil Mozio zur Jause bei uns ist: ¾4–6h! […] Empfiehlt die neue Kurzwellen-Therapie eines Dr. Weissenberg! Bittet die Schuld nicht löschen zu lassen (im beiderseitigen Interesse[)]. ” (“After lunch, the peace is disturbed because Mozio is with us for afternoon snack: 3:45 to 6 o’clock! [...] He recommends the new short-wave radiotherapy of a Dr. Weissenberg! He asks me not to have his debt cancelled (in the interests of both of us).”). 5 This is the final surviving item of correspondence between Moriz and Heinrich Schenker.It was written only thirty-one days before Heinrich died, and only twenty-one months before Moriz committed suicide. It is likely that there was correspondence between Moriz and Jeanette Schenker after Heinrich’s death. |
Digital version created: 2024-02-20 |