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Sig. Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Alpenhaus Fluchthorn
Austria (Tirol)
[postmark:] || POSITANO | 13 7 22 | (57-159) ||

Lieber Meister! 1

Ihre frdl. Karte, 2 Tonwille II, alles kam in meinen Hände. Auch ein Brief von Thal-Verlag. 3 Ist dieser Verlag von sich aus an mich herangetreten oder anmiesten Sie ihm dazu? 4 Dies möchte ich sehr gern wissen, ehe ich antworte. Tonwille II ist herrlich. Leider habe ich die Noten nicht bei mir; aber soweit ich die Sonaten auswendig kenne, folge ich Ihren erhabenen Ausführungen. Eingehendes Studium später. Ihre Mozart-Worte sind herrlich! — 5

Mein Arbeit gedeiht bei schwierigster Lage. Herzlichste Grüsse Ihnen u. d. verehrt. Gattin von uns beiden

{verso} [Picture of a town on the sea] [Inscriptions:- within picture: "Un saluto da Positano"; below picture: "Positano"]

[signed:] Walter Dahms
12. 7. 22

© Transcription John Koslovsky, 2011

Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
Alpenhaus Fluchthorn,
Austria (Tyrol)
[postmark:] || POSITANO | 13 7 22 | (57-159) ||

Dear Master, 1

Your friendly postcard, 2 Tonwille 2, everything arrived in my hands. Even a letter from Thal Verlag. 3 Did this publisher approach me by itself, or did you encourage it to do so? 4 This I would like to know very much, before I reply. Tonwille 2 is magnificent. Unfortunately I do not have the music at hand; but insofar as I know the sonatas by heart, I follow your sublime train of thought. A detailed study will have to come later. Your thoughts on Mozart are glorious! — 5

My work is reaching the most difficult point. Kindest regards to you and your dear wife from both of us.

{verso} [Picture of a town on the sea] [Inscriptions:- within picture: "Un saluto da Positano"; below picture: "Positano"]

[signed:] Walter Dahms
July 12, 1922

© Translation John Koslovsky, 2011

Sig. Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Alpenhaus Fluchthorn
Austria (Tirol)
[postmark:] || POSITANO | 13 7 22 | (57-159) ||

Lieber Meister! 1

Ihre frdl. Karte, 2 Tonwille II, alles kam in meinen Hände. Auch ein Brief von Thal-Verlag. 3 Ist dieser Verlag von sich aus an mich herangetreten oder anmiesten Sie ihm dazu? 4 Dies möchte ich sehr gern wissen, ehe ich antworte. Tonwille II ist herrlich. Leider habe ich die Noten nicht bei mir; aber soweit ich die Sonaten auswendig kenne, folge ich Ihren erhabenen Ausführungen. Eingehendes Studium später. Ihre Mozart-Worte sind herrlich! — 5

Mein Arbeit gedeiht bei schwierigster Lage. Herzlichste Grüsse Ihnen u. d. verehrt. Gattin von uns beiden

{verso} [Picture of a town on the sea] [Inscriptions:- within picture: "Un saluto da Positano"; below picture: "Positano"]

[signed:] Walter Dahms
12. 7. 22

© Transcription John Koslovsky, 2011

Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
Alpenhaus Fluchthorn,
Austria (Tyrol)
[postmark:] || POSITANO | 13 7 22 | (57-159) ||

Dear Master, 1

Your friendly postcard, 2 Tonwille 2, everything arrived in my hands. Even a letter from Thal Verlag. 3 Did this publisher approach me by itself, or did you encourage it to do so? 4 This I would like to know very much, before I reply. Tonwille 2 is magnificent. Unfortunately I do not have the music at hand; but insofar as I know the sonatas by heart, I follow your sublime train of thought. A detailed study will have to come later. Your thoughts on Mozart are glorious! — 5

My work is reaching the most difficult point. Kindest regards to you and your dear wife from both of us.

{verso} [Picture of a town on the sea] [Inscriptions:- within picture: "Un saluto da Positano"; below picture: "Positano"]

[signed:] Walter Dahms
July 12, 1922

© Translation John Koslovsky, 2011


1 Receipt of this picture postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary.

2 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/3, p. 2441, July 6, 1922: "An Dahms (Ansichtsk.) Dank für Gratulation." ("To Dahms (picture postcard) thanks for the congratulations.").

3 The Hachmeister & Thal Verlag, located in Leipzig.

4 Schenker's diary at OJ 3/3, p. 2434, May 28, 1922, reads: "Nach der Jause zu Deutsch; anwesend Herr u. Frau Tal. Herr Tal sucht Anknüpfung an Dahms u. Weisse." ("After teatime to Deutsch's; Mr. and Mrs. Tal present. Mr. Tal is looking for a connection to Dahms and Weisse."). Further entries read OJ 3/3, p. 2434, June 3, 1922: "Von Tal (K.): dankt für die Adresse." ("From Tal (postcard): thanks [me] for the address."); OJ 3/3, p. 2437, June 14, 1922: "Von Tal (K.): habe an die drei Herren geschrieben." ("From Tal (postcard): has written to the three gentlemen.").

5 No paragraph-break in source.


printed picture postcard, holograph addresses, message and signature recto, picture verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)-- Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Walter Dahms, published here with kind permission.
Permission to publish granted by principal heir, Dahms's grand daughter, Cristina Texeio Coelho, August 12, 2009. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2011-08-17
Last updated: 2011-08-17