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An Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8.
Wien III.
[postmark:] || MILANO | [illeg] 25 23 | FERROVIA || {verso}
20. April 1925.

Lieber Meister! 1

aus einem finsteren Hotelzimmer teile ich Ihnen meine neue Postadresse mit: Milano (2)
Stenopost Nr. 67

Von dort erhalte ich immer alles zugestellt. Wir suchen eifrig nach einer passenden Wohnung ausserhalb Mailands. Sobald ich etwas gefunden habe und zur Ruhe komme, schreibe ich Ihnen ausführlich. Für heute nur die herzlichsten Grüsse an Sie und Ihre verehrte Frau Gemahlin von uns beiden

stets Ihr dankbarer
[signed:] Walter Dahms

© Transcription John Koslovsky, 2012



To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
Keilgasse 8,
Vienna III,
[postmark:] || MILAN | [illeg] 25 23 | FERROVIA || {verso}
April 20, 1925

Dear Master, 1

From a gloomy hotel room I notify you of my new postal address: Milan (2),
Steno Post No. 67,

From there I will always receive everything. We are searching enthusiastically for suitable dwellings outside of Milan. As soon as I have found something and am at peace I will write to you in detail. For today only the warmest greetings to you and your dear wife from both of us

ever your thankful,
[signed:] Walter Dahms

© Translation John Koslovsky, 2012



An Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8.
Wien III.
[postmark:] || MILANO | [illeg] 25 23 | FERROVIA || {verso}
20. April 1925.

Lieber Meister! 1

aus einem finsteren Hotelzimmer teile ich Ihnen meine neue Postadresse mit: Milano (2)
Stenopost Nr. 67

Von dort erhalte ich immer alles zugestellt. Wir suchen eifrig nach einer passenden Wohnung ausserhalb Mailands. Sobald ich etwas gefunden habe und zur Ruhe komme, schreibe ich Ihnen ausführlich. Für heute nur die herzlichsten Grüsse an Sie und Ihre verehrte Frau Gemahlin von uns beiden

stets Ihr dankbarer
[signed:] Walter Dahms

© Transcription John Koslovsky, 2012



To: Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
Keilgasse 8,
Vienna III,
[postmark:] || MILAN | [illeg] 25 23 | FERROVIA || {verso}
April 20, 1925

Dear Master, 1

From a gloomy hotel room I notify you of my new postal address: Milan (2),
Steno Post No. 67,

From there I will always receive everything. We are searching enthusiastically for suitable dwellings outside of Milan. As soon as I have found something and am at peace I will write to you in detail. For today only the warmest greetings to you and your dear wife from both of us

ever your thankful,
[signed:] Walter Dahms

© Translation John Koslovsky, 2012


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/7, p. 2812, April 22, 1925: "Von Dahms (K. aus Mailand): seine neue Adresse." ("From Dahms (postcard from Milan): his new address.").


printed postcard, typed message, holograph signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)-- Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Walter Dahms, published here with kind permission.
Permission to publish granted by principal heir, Dahms's grand daughter, Cristina Texeio Coelho, August 12, 2009. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2012-03-18
Last updated: 2012-03-18