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Absender: Dr H Schenker
Wien III, Keilgasse 8

An: H. Dr Wilhelm Schenker
in St. Bernhard /b Horn
Nd: Öst:
[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 24 II 1925 [illeg] | * 3d * ||
[postmark:] || [3/3] WIEN 49 | 24 II 1925 17 | * 3a * ||
[for continuation of recto, see below] {verso}

Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1

Du scheinst nachhause zurückgekehrt zu sein. Warst Du also in Kleinzell nicht? Hat dir auch Gr. abgeraten? Vor allem aber, was macht deine Nase?? Ein Wort erbeten.

Soeben ist der Vertrag vom neuen Verlag in München gekommen, 2 jetzt heißt es, bis 30. VI ein 250 Seiten dickes Buch abliefern! „Geld ist Nebensache“, sagt der Verleger , – um solchen Preis würde kein Handwerker die Hand rühren, aber es muß sein, sage ich. Schade, {recto} daß du nicht ein einziges Mal Lie-Liechens hohe Kunst zu kochen gewürdigt hast.

Was ist Wien ohne ein Tisch wie der LieLiechens? Sowenig als Rom ohne den Papst. Ein andermal mußt du gleich vom Bahnhof in unsere Schüssel absteigen. Schreibe uns ein paar Zeilen. Radio nicht vergessen! 3

Wir küssen dich
[signed:] H u. Lielie

[note in margin] sideways in left margin:24. II. 1925

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024


From: Dr. H. Schenker
Vienna III, Keilgasse 8

To: Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
in St. Bernhard, near Horn
Lower Austria
[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | 24 II 1925 [illeg] | * 3d * ||
[postmark:] || [3/3] VIENNA 49 | 24 II 1925 17 | * 3a * ||
[for continuation of recto, see below] {verso}

My dear Wilhelm, 1

You seem to have returned home. Were you not, then, in Kleinzell? Did Grueber dissuade you? But above all, what does your instinct tell you?? Requesting a word.

The contract from my new publisher in Munich just arrived. 2 Now, it is a matter of my submitting a 250-page thick book by June 30, “Money is a side issue,” says the publisher – for such a price no workman would lift a finger, but it has to be that way, I say. Too bad {recto} that you have not savored Lie-Liechen’s fine art of cooking one single time.

What is Vienna without a table like Lie-Liechen’s? As little as Rome without the Pope. Another time you have to come straight from the train station to our table. Write us a few lines. Don’t forget the radio, 3

We send kisses,
[signed:] H. and Lielie

[note in margin] sideways in left margin:February 24, 1925

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024


Absender: Dr H Schenker
Wien III, Keilgasse 8

An: H. Dr Wilhelm Schenker
in St. Bernhard /b Horn
Nd: Öst:
[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 24 II 1925 [illeg] | * 3d * ||
[postmark:] || [3/3] WIEN 49 | 24 II 1925 17 | * 3a * ||
[for continuation of recto, see below] {verso}

Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1

Du scheinst nachhause zurückgekehrt zu sein. Warst Du also in Kleinzell nicht? Hat dir auch Gr. abgeraten? Vor allem aber, was macht deine Nase?? Ein Wort erbeten.

Soeben ist der Vertrag vom neuen Verlag in München gekommen, 2 jetzt heißt es, bis 30. VI ein 250 Seiten dickes Buch abliefern! „Geld ist Nebensache“, sagt der Verleger , – um solchen Preis würde kein Handwerker die Hand rühren, aber es muß sein, sage ich. Schade, {recto} daß du nicht ein einziges Mal Lie-Liechens hohe Kunst zu kochen gewürdigt hast.

Was ist Wien ohne ein Tisch wie der LieLiechens? Sowenig als Rom ohne den Papst. Ein andermal mußt du gleich vom Bahnhof in unsere Schüssel absteigen. Schreibe uns ein paar Zeilen. Radio nicht vergessen! 3

Wir küssen dich
[signed:] H u. Lielie

[note in margin] sideways in left margin:24. II. 1925

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024


From: Dr. H. Schenker
Vienna III, Keilgasse 8

To: Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
in St. Bernhard, near Horn
Lower Austria
[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | 24 II 1925 [illeg] | * 3d * ||
[postmark:] || [3/3] VIENNA 49 | 24 II 1925 17 | * 3a * ||
[for continuation of recto, see below] {verso}

My dear Wilhelm, 1

You seem to have returned home. Were you not, then, in Kleinzell? Did Grueber dissuade you? But above all, what does your instinct tell you?? Requesting a word.

The contract from my new publisher in Munich just arrived. 2 Now, it is a matter of my submitting a 250-page thick book by June 30, “Money is a side issue,” says the publisher – for such a price no workman would lift a finger, but it has to be that way, I say. Too bad {recto} that you have not savored Lie-Liechen’s fine art of cooking one single time.

What is Vienna without a table like Lie-Liechen’s? As little as Rome without the Pope. Another time you have to come straight from the train station to our table. Write us a few lines. Don’t forget the radio, 3

We send kisses,
[signed:] H. and Lielie

[note in margin] sideways in left margin:February 24, 1925

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for February 24, 1925: “An Wilhelm: wie es ihm gehe, nächstens müsse er aber bei uns essen.”) (“To Wilhelm: how he is doing; but he must come to us for a meal in the near future.”).

2 The contract is not known to survive; the covering letter, from August Demblin, is OC 54/25, February 21, 1925.

3 In his letter of January 4 (OJ 5/38, [15]), Schenker had urged Wilhelm to get himself a radio receiver.


printed postcard: holograph sender and recipient addresses, message continuation, valediction, and signatures, postage stamps and postmarks, recto; holograph salutation and message beginning, verso
Wilhelm Schenker (document date-1938?)—Jeanette Schenker (1938?-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2024-06-13
Last updated: 2010-03-11