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[printed:] P[ostkarte]
[picture: forest with snow-capped mountains, captioned: “Seebachtal mit Ankogel – Kärnten”]

[Absender:] Deutsch
II. Böcklinstr. 26
[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Wien III. {verso}
Wien, 30.XII.29

Verehrter und lieber Herr Doktor! 1

Die Redaktion der „Zft. f. Mkw.“ ist in Berlin, bei Dr .Alfred Einstein, Berlin W. 30, Heilbronnerstraße 6. Dorthin empfehle ich zu schreiben und am besten gleich das Ms. zu senden. 2 Für den Fall U.–E. empfehle ich die Bedingung: Die Broschüre wird nur gratis abgegeben und jedem Interessenten gegen Portoeinsendung zugeschickt; das aber wird in Inseraten (der eigenen Zftn. z. B.) und in Beilagezetteln (der Taschenpartituren etwa) besonders angeboten.

Bitte schreiben Sie mir gleich, wann Herr v. H. wieder zu Ihnen kommt.

Von Vrldr. bekam ich heute einen lieben und zuversichtlichen Brief.

Ihr ganz ergebener
[signed:] O E Deutsch

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] P[ostcard]
[picture: forest with snow-capped mountains, captioned: “Seebachtal with Ankogel – Carinthia”]

[From:] Deutsch
[Vienna] II, Böcklinstrasse 26
Pneumatic mail
[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III {verso}
Vienna, December 30, 1929

Revered and dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

The editorial office of the Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft is in Berlin, c/o Dr. Alfred Einstein, Berlin W. 30, Heilbronnerstraße 6. I would advise you to write to that address, and preferably send the manuscript at the same time. 2 As for the matter concerning Universal Edition, I recommend this stipulation: the booklet will be dispatched only free of charge, and sent to all interested parties on receipt of a postpaid [envelope]; that will be specially offered in advertisements (in its own periodicals, for example) and in inserts (of pocket scores, say).

Please write to me as soon as Mr. van Hoboken next sees you.

Today I received a kind, sanguine letter from Vrieslander.

Your wholly devoted,
From the two of us to the two of you!
[signed:] O. E. Deutsch

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] P[ostkarte]
[picture: forest with snow-capped mountains, captioned: “Seebachtal mit Ankogel – Kärnten”]

[Absender:] Deutsch
II. Böcklinstr. 26
[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Wien III. {verso}
Wien, 30.XII.29

Verehrter und lieber Herr Doktor! 1

Die Redaktion der „Zft. f. Mkw.“ ist in Berlin, bei Dr .Alfred Einstein, Berlin W. 30, Heilbronnerstraße 6. Dorthin empfehle ich zu schreiben und am besten gleich das Ms. zu senden. 2 Für den Fall U.–E. empfehle ich die Bedingung: Die Broschüre wird nur gratis abgegeben und jedem Interessenten gegen Portoeinsendung zugeschickt; das aber wird in Inseraten (der eigenen Zftn. z. B.) und in Beilagezetteln (der Taschenpartituren etwa) besonders angeboten.

Bitte schreiben Sie mir gleich, wann Herr v. H. wieder zu Ihnen kommt.

Von Vrldr. bekam ich heute einen lieben und zuversichtlichen Brief.

Ihr ganz ergebener
[signed:] O E Deutsch

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] P[ostcard]
[picture: forest with snow-capped mountains, captioned: “Seebachtal with Ankogel – Carinthia”]

[From:] Deutsch
[Vienna] II, Böcklinstrasse 26
Pneumatic mail
[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III {verso}
Vienna, December 30, 1929

Revered and dear Dr. [Schenker], 1

The editorial office of the Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft is in Berlin, c/o Dr. Alfred Einstein, Berlin W. 30, Heilbronnerstraße 6. I would advise you to write to that address, and preferably send the manuscript at the same time. 2 As for the matter concerning Universal Edition, I recommend this stipulation: the booklet will be dispatched only free of charge, and sent to all interested parties on receipt of a postpaid [envelope]; that will be specially offered in advertisements (in its own periodicals, for example) and in inserts (of pocket scores, say).

Please write to me as soon as Mr. van Hoboken next sees you.

Today I received a kind, sanguine letter from Vrieslander.

Your wholly devoted,
From the two of us to the two of you!
[signed:] O. E. Deutsch

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for December 20, 1930: “Von Deutsch (K. expreß): die Adresse von Einstein; berichtet über einen zuversichtlichen Brief von Vrieslander.” (“From Deutsch (express postcard): Einstein’s address; he reports on a sanguine letter from Vrieslander.”).

2 The essay is by Gerd Albersheim (see Schenker’s diary for December 27, 1929), and may be identical to his “Heinrich Schenker: Grundlagen und Bedeutung seines Werkes,” which appeared in the Rheinische Theater- und Musik-Zeitung in 1930; a copy is preserved in the Schenker scrapbook (OC 2) on page 80, item 4. In his diary for the following day, Schenker recorded asking Deutsch for Einstein’s address, and requesting that Albersheim bring his typewritten essay with him on January 8.


Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich Deutsch, published here by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich Deutsch February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk
Printed picture postcard: printed picture, holograph sender and recipient addresses and annotation, annotation in unknown hand, postmarks and postage stamps, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature (all written vertically), verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1956)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1956-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch on February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2023-03-19
Last updated: 2015-09-19