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[decorative rule]
BERLIN W. 9., den 11. 5 1894
27. Köthener Str.

Sehr geehrter Herr,

könnten Sie Brahms, dem man sein Nichterscheinen bei Bülows Leichenfeier 1 sehr verdacht hat, nicht veranlassen, daß er für die Zkft. ein paar Seiten schreibt und kräftig für den Bülow-Denkmal aufruft? 2 Erinnerungen, ein paar Briefe oder dergleichen, was er will. Sie werden ihm rathen und evtl. helfen können. Nachdem in der Zkft. Begas, Lenbach u. a. geschrieben haben, ists doch nichts Auffallendes mehr 3 und er ists wirklich dem großen Hans schuldig. 4 Es würde den besten Eindruck machen und ich wäre Ihrer sehr, sehr dankbar. Bitte, sagen Sies ihm in meinem Namen.

Mit verbindlichen Grüßen
[signed:] Harden

© Transcription William Pastille, 2006

[decorative rule]
BERLIN W. 9., May 11, 1894
27 Köthener Straße

Dear Sir,

Couldn't you induce Brahms, who was very much criticized for his absence from Bülow's funeral, 1 to write a few pages for Die Zukunft, and to come out strongly in favor of the Bülow monument? 2 Reminiscences, a few letters, or the like, whatever he wishes. You will be able to advise him and perhaps help him. Now that Begas, Lenbach, and others have written for Die Zukunft, there is nothing at all incongruous in it, 3 and he really owes it to the great Hans. 4 It would make the best impression, and I would be very, very grateful to you. Please, ask him this in my name.

With collegial greetings,
[signed:] Harden

© Translation William Pastille, 2006

[decorative rule]
BERLIN W. 9., den 11. 5 1894
27. Köthener Str.

Sehr geehrter Herr,

könnten Sie Brahms, dem man sein Nichterscheinen bei Bülows Leichenfeier 1 sehr verdacht hat, nicht veranlassen, daß er für die Zkft. ein paar Seiten schreibt und kräftig für den Bülow-Denkmal aufruft? 2 Erinnerungen, ein paar Briefe oder dergleichen, was er will. Sie werden ihm rathen und evtl. helfen können. Nachdem in der Zkft. Begas, Lenbach u. a. geschrieben haben, ists doch nichts Auffallendes mehr 3 und er ists wirklich dem großen Hans schuldig. 4 Es würde den besten Eindruck machen und ich wäre Ihrer sehr, sehr dankbar. Bitte, sagen Sies ihm in meinem Namen.

Mit verbindlichen Grüßen
[signed:] Harden

© Transcription William Pastille, 2006

[decorative rule]
BERLIN W. 9., May 11, 1894
27 Köthener Straße

Dear Sir,

Couldn't you induce Brahms, who was very much criticized for his absence from Bülow's funeral, 1 to write a few pages for Die Zukunft, and to come out strongly in favor of the Bülow monument? 2 Reminiscences, a few letters, or the like, whatever he wishes. You will be able to advise him and perhaps help him. Now that Begas, Lenbach, and others have written for Die Zukunft, there is nothing at all incongruous in it, 3 and he really owes it to the great Hans. 4 It would make the best impression, and I would be very, very grateful to you. Please, ask him this in my name.

With collegial greetings,
[signed:] Harden

© Translation William Pastille, 2006


1 Bülow had died on February 12, 1894.

2 After Bülow's death, there was some agitation for a national monument in his honor.

3 The meaning of this clause is presumably this: despite its name, Die Zukunft was hardly a house organ for progressivism, as was proved by its inclusion of articles by such leading traditionalists in their fields as Begas and Lenbach. So Brahms, as a traditionalist, should not have any qualms about appearing in the same company with other traditionalists.

4 Brahms disagreed with Harden about the debt owed to Bülow, and about the propriety of a national monument. In later life, Schenker published his recollection of what Brahms said to him in response to Harden's request: "Ich habe nach Hamburg meinen Beitrag zu einem Friedhofs-Denkmal geschickt und hoffe, daß es dabei sein Bewenden haben werde; war doch Bülow schießlich nur ein Kapellmeister, und nicht einmal Richard Wagner hat noch ein Nationaldenkmal." ("I've sent my contribution to Hamburg for a funerary monument, and I hope the matter will rest there; after all, in the final analysis, Bülow really was only a Kapellmeister, and even Richard Wagner doesn't have a national monument yet.") Heinrich Schenker, Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven ... op. 110 (Vienna: UE, 1914), pp. 23–24; rev. O. Jonas (Vienna: UE, 1972), p. 8; the same reminiscence appears also in "Erinnerungen an Brahms," Der Kunstwart 46 (1933), p. 479.


1p letter, printed letterhead, holograph salutations, message and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Maximilian Harden, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Maximilian Harden. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) camc (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2014-12-08
Last updated: 2012-09-26