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[printed:] Postkarte

Absender: Violin
Stumpergasse 65.

An Dr
Heinrich Schnker
in Wien III
Keilgasse 8
[postmark:] || 15 WIEN 10 | 24 II 25 [illeg] | * [illeg] * ||

Liebster H.! 1

Soeben in Wien angekommen. Ein trauriger Ruf führte mich her. Eduard liegt im Sophienspital hoffnungslos danieder Ich muß gegenwärtig sein u. pendle zwischen Wohnung u. Spital. Ich muß Dich sehen!!!! Bitte komme, wann 2 Du kannst, wann Du willst, zu. Jeder Zeit kann ich Dich erwarten, ich muß nur in der nNähe des Spitals sein.

Innigstes Dir u. Frau Li-Li
Dein getreuer
[signed:] Floriz

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] Postcard

Sender: Violin
Stumpergasse 65.

To Dr.
Heinrich Schnker
in Vienna III
Keilgasse 8
[postmark:] || 15 WIEN 10 | 24 II 25 [illeg] | * [illeg] * ||

My dearest Heinrich! 1

Have just arrived in Vienna. A sad call brought me here. Eduard is lying, without hope of recovery, in the Sophienspital. I must be present, and am commuting between the apartment and the hospital. I must see you! Please come, if 2 you can, when you can. I can receive you at any time; I only have to be in the vicinity of the hospital.

Most intimate greetings to you and Lie-Lie.
Your faithful
[signed:] Floriz

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] Postkarte

Absender: Violin
Stumpergasse 65.

An Dr
Heinrich Schnker
in Wien III
Keilgasse 8
[postmark:] || 15 WIEN 10 | 24 II 25 [illeg] | * [illeg] * ||

Liebster H.! 1

Soeben in Wien angekommen. Ein trauriger Ruf führte mich her. Eduard liegt im Sophienspital hoffnungslos danieder Ich muß gegenwärtig sein u. pendle zwischen Wohnung u. Spital. Ich muß Dich sehen!!!! Bitte komme, wann 2 Du kannst, wann Du willst, zu. Jeder Zeit kann ich Dich erwarten, ich muß nur in der nNähe des Spitals sein.

Innigstes Dir u. Frau Li-Li
Dein getreuer
[signed:] Floriz

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] Postcard

Sender: Violin
Stumpergasse 65.

To Dr.
Heinrich Schnker
in Vienna III
Keilgasse 8
[postmark:] || 15 WIEN 10 | 24 II 25 [illeg] | * [illeg] * ||

My dearest Heinrich! 1

Have just arrived in Vienna. A sad call brought me here. Eduard is lying, without hope of recovery, in the Sophienspital. I must be present, and am commuting between the apartment and the hospital. I must see you! Please come, if 2 you can, when you can. I can receive you at any time; I only have to be in the vicinity of the hospital.

Most intimate greetings to you and Lie-Lie.
Your faithful
[signed:] Floriz

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/7, p. 2790, February 25, 1925: "Von Floriz (K. aus Wien): Eduard liege hoffnungslos darnieder, wünscht mich zu sehen." ("From Floriz (postcard from Vienna): Eduard is hopelessly ill, wishes to see me.")

2 Words underlined in this paragraph are triple-underlined in the original document.


printed postcard, holograph addresses recto, holograph message and signature verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Moriz Violin, reproduced here by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Moriz Violin, June 25, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2013-05-16
Last updated: 2013-05-16