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Brother of Moriz Violin and Fanny Violin.

Eduard was the son of Karl and Genovefa Violin. He married Josefine ("Fini") Bloch; the couple had two children: Karl (born January 12, 1906) and Hildegard (Hilda) (born May, 23, 1909). Eduard was a medical doctor, his private clinic was located in Vienna's 6th district (Mariehilf), Stumpergasse 65.

Eduard Violin is occasionally mentioned in Schenker's diaries, and was co-signatory with Moriz Violin on one letter (undated) to Schenker.


  • Announcement of Eduard Violin's death, in: Neue Freie Presse, No. 21715, February 26, 1925, morning edition, p. 20.
  • Geni:


  • Marko Deisinger

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