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OJ 15/15, [39] - Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 13, 1929
[printed:] ⇧ Pos[tkart]e A[illeg] [Absender:] ⇧ Dr H. Weisse XIII. Wattmanngasse 5. [An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Keilgasse 8 Wien III. pneumatisch. [postmark:] || [illeg] WIEN 88[?] | [illeg] 10 | * 1c * || [postmark:] || TA.3 WIEN 128 | 13 IV 29. 13 | * R/a * || {verso} 13. April 29. Lieber verehrter Meister, 1 zwar bin ich in der IX., 2 doch auf der Galerie und da keine lange Pause sein dürfte, wird sicherlich nicht Zeit genug sein[,] um Sie unten zu besuchen. Ich werde also bereits ¼1 Uhr beim Musikvereinstor Lothringerstrasse stehen und auf Sie warten! © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Poscard A[illeg] [sender:] ⇧ Dr. H. Weisse, [Vienna] XIII Wattmanngasse 5 [to:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker Keilgasse 8 Vienna III by pneumatic mail [postmark:] || [illeg] WIEN 88[?] | [illeg] 10 | * 1c * || [postmark:] || TA.3 WIEN 128 | 13 IV 29. 13 | * R/a * || {verso} April 13, 1929 Dear revered Master, 1 Yes, I shall be in the IXth, 2 but in the gallery; and since there will probably not be a long intermission, there will certainly not be enough time to go downstairs to see you. Thus I shall be standing at the gate of the Musikverein at Lothringerstrasse promptly at a quarter past twelve, waiting for you! © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Pos[tkart]e A[illeg] [Absender:] ⇧ Dr H. Weisse XIII. Wattmanngasse 5. [An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Keilgasse 8 Wien III. pneumatisch. [postmark:] || [illeg] WIEN 88[?] | [illeg] 10 | * 1c * || [postmark:] || TA.3 WIEN 128 | 13 IV 29. 13 | * R/a * || {verso} 13. April 29. Lieber verehrter Meister, 1 zwar bin ich in der IX., 2 doch auf der Galerie und da keine lange Pause sein dürfte, wird sicherlich nicht Zeit genug sein[,] um Sie unten zu besuchen. Ich werde also bereits ¼1 Uhr beim Musikvereinstor Lothringerstrasse stehen und auf Sie warten! © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Poscard A[illeg] [sender:] ⇧ Dr. H. Weisse, [Vienna] XIII Wattmanngasse 5 [to:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker Keilgasse 8 Vienna III by pneumatic mail [postmark:] || [illeg] WIEN 88[?] | [illeg] 10 | * 1c * || [postmark:] || TA.3 WIEN 128 | 13 IV 29. 13 | * R/a * || {verso} April 13, 1929 Dear revered Master, 1 Yes, I shall be in the IXth, 2 but in the gallery; and since there will probably not be a long intermission, there will certainly not be enough time to go downstairs to see you. Thus I shall be standing at the gate of the Musikverein at Lothringerstrasse promptly at a quarter past twelve, waiting for you! © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/2, p. 3330 (April 13, 1929): "Von Weisse (K. [corr] expreß): erwartet mich morgen um ¼1h." ("From Weisse (express postcard): he will await me tomorrow at 12:15.") 2 i.e. present at a performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. This was the annual Otto Nicolai concert; Furtwängler conducted. |
Digital version created: 2013-09-12 |