OJ 5/15, [2]-[3] Handwritten incomplete draft of a letter from Schenker to Grunsky, undated [?c. June
1, 1908]
Responding to Grunsky's request, Schenker gives his assessment of Bruckner's
music. First exploring common ground between him and Grunsky, he then offers "technical
reasons" why he regards Bruckner as "possessing minimal powers of invention," therefore
cannot call him a "master." In the process, he compares the "Komponisten" (composers) of the
present day unfavorably with the "Tonsetzer" (tonal craftsmen) of the past.
OJ 5/35, [3] Handwritten draft or letter-copy from Schenker to Ernst Rudorff, dated September 28,
Schenker comments on Wagner's alterations to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and
outlines his own plans, wishing to see Wagner reduced to the same subordinate place as Gluck
[unaware of the provocation this will be to Rudorff!]. — He takes issue with Beyschlag's
interpretation of the turn in Haydn's music.
OJ 7/4, [60] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated March 14, 1910
Schenker will see Violin tomorrow. He has been "pumped" by Robert
CA 118 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cotta, dated August 19, 1910
A fire at his hotel causes Schenker to ask whether Cotta has sent him final
proofs recently. — He inquires whether he might travel to Stuttgart to present his plan for
the Handbibliothek in person.
OJ 14/44, [1] Handwritten letter from the Vereinigung Wiener Musikreferenten (Theodor Antropp and
Paul Stauber) to Schenker, dated September 30, 1910
The Association invites Schenker to give a lecture series on Beethoven's Ninth
WSLB 66/67 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE) + list of names, dated October 19,
Schenker cancels their Thursday meeting. — He argues for sweeping changes to
the draft contract for Beethovens neunte Sinfonie. — He defends his own free speech in the
face of Universal Edition's commercial interests. As with his Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue
edition, UE will never regret publishing the Ninth Symphony monograph. — He also lauds the
prospective editions of the last five Beethoven piano sonatas and volume of J. S. Bach
toccatas in a lofty vision for future publications. — He appends a list of recipients of
complimentary copies of the Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue.
OC 1A/4-5 Handwritten letter, carbon copy, from Schenker to Hans Liebstoeckl, dated May 30,
Schenker asks Liebstöckl to place an announcement [of a lecture series] in the
Illustrirtes Wiener Extrablatt.
WSLB 77 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated June 21, 1911
Schenker asks if he will receive galley-proofs of Beethovens neunte Sinfonie
in time to take on vacation, and inquires as to his proposal for UE to publish the score of
the Ninth Symphony with original markings. — No summons to interview with Academy President
von Wiener, so he fears the worst for the planned Bach-Beethoven edition project. — Tirade
against von Wiener and the Academy's teachers.
WSLB 83 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated October 28, 1911
Schenker hotly contests Hertzka's allegation that he delivered the material
for Beethovens neunte Sinfonie late, and details the pre-history of the
OC 52/77 Typewritten postcard from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated January 16,
Emil Hertka confirms that UE wants Schenker to produce structural diagrams for
movements 2-4 of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony for his monograph on that work.
OC 52/433 Handwritten letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated May 7, 1912
Hertzka explains the reason for his need to see Schenker in person: it
concerns the numbering of bars in the second movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in
Schenker's monograph on that work, and the planned edition of the score of the symphony; but
Hertzka will be away for up to ten days.
OJ 15/6, [11] Handwritten letter from Fritz Wahle to Schenker, dated August 10, 1912
Fritz Wahle explains how he came to acquire Schenker’s book on Beethoven’s
Ninth Symphony. He has read Moriz Violin’s pamphlet about the leadership of the Vienna
Academy and hopes that some good will come of it. In response to a letter from Schenker, he
expresses his agreement with what Schenker has to say about Wagner, and again praises his
friend for the serious intent of his writings.
OC B/176 Handwritten letter from Albert Kopfermann (Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin) to
Schenker, dated November 18, 1913
Kopfermann provides an estimate for the photography of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
that Schenker has requested; and notifies him of another source of this work in the Library's
OJ 9/30, [7] Handwritten letter from Carl Colbert to Schenker, dated September 6, 1920
Carl Colbert invites Schenker to submit an article to Der Abend for the 150th
anniversary of Beethoven's birth.
OJ 12/11, [5] Handwritten letter from Klenau to Schenker, dated October 21, 1923
Klenau thanks Schenker for advice on performing the "Eroica"
OJ 11/16, [5] Handwritten postcard from Furtwängler to Schenker, dated November 25, 1923
Furtwängler had been hoping to speak with Schenker at the performance of
[Handel's] Samson but realizes this is not possible; mentions his December program, hopes to see
OJ 6/7, [8] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 14, 1924
Schenker reports continuing trouble with Hertzka, especially over delays to the
publication of Tonwille 5 and 6, which were supposed to appear the previous year, and is
beginning to think about legal action. Hertzka has made his position so difficult that he feels
obliged to turn down Max Temming's offer of direct financial support for his work. He asks
Violin to help find a post in Hamburg for Carl Bamberger, a gifted pupil who, though he
neglected his piano studies for a while, is keen to make up for lost time. Finally, he asks if
Violin received any of the four volumes of the Beethoven piano sonata edition.
JOB 94-3, [8] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated May 3, 1924
Schenker agrees to come on May 27 to sit for his portrait, and tells Hammer of
the forthcoming historical Beethoven Ninth Symphony concert.
OJ 12/11, [8] Handwritten letter from Klenau to Schenker, undated [May 20, 1924]
Klenau asks Schenker to read over an article that he has
OJ 12/11, [10] Handwritten letter from Klenau to Schenker, dated September 23, 1924
Klenau sends a letter he has received from Felix Weingartner and his own
OC 82/27-28 Handwritten letter from Georg Dohrn to Schenker, dated April 2, 1926
Dohrn inquires as to the performance of the opening of the second movement of
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
OJ 5/9a, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Georg Dohrn, dated April 5, 1926
Schenker answers Dohrn's inquiry as to the performance of the opening of the
second movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
OJ 10/3, [52] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 15, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker if a (recent) edition of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was
based on the facsimile edition. He has sent the manuscript (of Schenker’s second Meisterwerk
yearbook) to the publishers. A Haydn facsimile and a Handel print can be discussed
BerkAE 7/898, [4] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Deutsch, dated January 16, 1927
Schenker responds to Deutsch’s request for information about the recent
facsimile edition of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, and the new edition of the symphony
published by the Philharmonischer Verlag. He had made changes to the text of the first
movement, but subsequently withdrew from the editing.
OC 54/122 Handwritten postcard from Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 19,
Einstein thanks Schenker for the information provided (via Otto Erich Deutsch)
about the manuscripts of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, and uses the opportunity to express his
happiness that production of the second Meisterwerk Yearbook is now
WSLB-Hds 191.560 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated January 25, 1928
Schenker comments on the text of Deutsch’s forthcoming radio broadcast
about the Photogram Archive, noting in particular that the word “scientific”
(wissenschaftlich) has no place in the study of music, which is a unique art
OJ 5/38, [53] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated January 27,
Schenker explains that his involvement with a Schubert festival and conference
has prevented him from writing sooner. He speaks about his blood-sugar level, about
listening to the radio, and about visits from their brother Mozio before finishing with two
Jewish jokes.
OJ 6/7, [41] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 27, 1929
Schenker thanks Violin for his concerns, describes how they survived the cold
weather earlier in February, reports that his monograph on the "Eroica" Symphony is finished
and that he has written an article about the Photogram Archive, which has acquired over
seven thousand pages of manuscripts. He looks forward to seeing his friend in the
OJ 15/15, [39] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 13, 1929
Weisse arranges to meet Schenker outside the Musikverein before a performance
of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
OJ 15/16, [66] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated January 8, 1931
Hearing that Schenker expects to complete Der freie Satz by early spring,
Weisse encourages his teacher to work systematically and unhurriedly at it. He reports on
Alfred Einstein’s defense of Schenker’s theories against Arnold Schering, and on a review of
a recent book on the Ninth Symphony in which the reviewer, Alfred Lorenz, sided with the
author against Schenker.
OJ 10/3, [193] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 30, 1933
Deutsch has found a set of metronome markings and a list of printing errors
for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in Cäcilia, the journal brought out by the symphony’s
publisher, Schott. In a postscript, he notes the temporary closure of the Deutsche
Allgemeine Zeitung.
OJ 10/3, [194] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 5, 1933
Deutsch comments on Brahms’s notation of musical canons. Then, in a wide
ranging response to Schenker’s recent communications, he dwells on Hoboken’s decision to
live in Germany for the time being, in spite of the implications for Schenker’s teaching and
his own bibliographical work.
OJ 89/6, [9] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated July 25, 1933
In writing of Hoboken's prospects as a composer, Schenker is not interested in
creating imitation Bachs and Brahmses. — He delights in Cortot's visit to the Photogram
Archive - but Cortot belongs to the already convinced. — He makes observations on some
inclosed feuilletons, and gives information about Goos.
OJ 10/3, [212] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 13, 1934
In this long letter Deutsch recounts events and circumstances concerned with
Hoboken’s library and the Photogram Archive, including the attempt by Oswald Jonas to place
an article on the Archive in English music journals and a Swiss newspaper, and Hoboken’s
intemperate behavior at an antiquarian music shop in London. Deutsch, trying to smooth over
points of friction, was himself accused both of neglecting his duties to Hoboken and of
being too familiar with new dealers in early music prints, who could be of service to the
OJ 70/35, [9] Handwritten open letter from Schoenberg dated September 16, 1949, with handwritten
letter from Schoenberg to Moriz Violin, dated October 14, 1949
Schoenberg sends a copy of his open letter on his 75th birthday, embedded
within a letter in which he expresses pleasure at Violin's report of his Carmel